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Existing Plans. City of Chicago. Management Essay.

Essay Instructions:

GEOG 251 Fall 2019
Term Project Assignment 3 & 4: Specific Planning Issues
Assignment: Your task for the last two assignments is to write a short 2-3 page (500-750 word) summaryof a specific planning issue in your metro area. You will address 2 separate issues; one for Assignment 3 andone for Assignment 4. There are lots of directions these assignments can go. As a general rule, the planningpriorities you discovered during Assignment 2 will be a good place to start in determining which planningissues you should address in these papers. For each assignment, you should select an issue from thefollowing list. Please be clear which topic you are addressing in the title of each essay.
Potential Topics:HousingTransportationEnvironmental PlanningPlanning for Climate ChangeNatural DisastersEconomic DevelopmentSocial JusticePoverty & HomelessnessOpen/Green SpacesAnother topic approved by me in advancePlease note: There is the potential for overlap among some of these issues. Be sure that your twoassignments cover two distinct issues that are clearly separate from each other. This means that they shouldreference separate plans and library sources and expand your understanding of planning in your regionrather than duplicate what you have already done.
Deliverable: Upload your document in Word Document format through the link in Blackboard as a Worddocument only. Remember the penalty for late work. It is more important for your assignment to be on timethan it is for you to turn in a perfect paper.
Sources: Unlike previous assignments, providing specific sources isn’t something that is likely to be helpfulfor this assignment. You should start by looking at the planning departments of the cities in your metroarea. You already did some of this for Assignment 2. Now you’ll go deeper on 2 of the priorities youidentified in that assignment. In addition, searching for peer-reviewed literature and academic books onissues in your area may yield fruitful results. If you select Environmental Planning” you might search forbroad terms like “environment” as well as specific terms like “sprawl” or “impervious surfaces” or “aginginfrastructure” and some other variations on this theme. Be sure to focus on the most important issues foryour area. As with all assignments in my class, web sources from official government or news agencies are fine, but Wikipedia and other encyclopedias and other less reputable sources are not permitted. You shouldcite at least 5 sources per essay. At least 3 of those sources should be government documents and/orlibrary sources such as peer-reviewed journal articles or books.
Note: All citations MUST be properly formatted. All in-text citations must exist for both quotes andparaphrased material, and MUST be parenthetical (see APA style for in-text citations @https://towson.libguides.com/apastyle7/intext). Sources listed in your Lit. Cited section MUST conform toAPA standard style for citations. See my guide on citations and research for additional detail.
Prompts1) Within your broad category (e.g. Environmental Planning, Transportation, etc.), which specificissues are most important to your metro area. According to whom? Cite your sources and be criticalin your evaluation. Simply because Greenpeace or ACORN says something is a pressing issue foryour community doesn’t mean the community agrees. Be sure to think about who is framing theseissues and why.
2) What attempts to address these issues have been tried in the past and/or are ongoing? Who isacting? Planning agencies? Citizen activist groups? Industrial interest groups? Individual concernedcitizens? Advocacy groups? Etc.
3) How well have those efforts addressed the environmental concern to date? Why?
4) What other approaches are planned, or might be informed by the approaches that other cities havetaken?
5) Be sure to highlight historical forces responsible for current problems (or advantages) in your topicarea. For instance, if your essay is on housing, problems may include issues like redlining,blockbusting, urban renewal, or gentrification and displacement. Advantages may include efforts toreduce the impacts of these problems, for instance through incentives to invest in disenfranchisedcommunities or rent control laws aimed at mitigating displacement in gentrify

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Environmental Planning: City of Chicago
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Environmental Planning: City of Chicago

Chicago is a designation of national echoes and international acclaim. The City of Chicago, more officially, is an epicenter of urban planning, development, and change. Included in several key demographic and urban planning reports, studies and discussions, Chicago is a city changing in character in each and every aspect. From an urban planning perspective, Chicago continues to develop programs, create initiatives, and support communities for the ultimate goal of overall welfare and prosperity. In the environment and sustainability area, Chicago is making a difference yet is also facing challenges arising from structural and institutional issues. Specifically, whilst environment and sustainability are assuming growing importance in the city's overall development agenda, challenges to effectuating approved plans and rolling out more ambitious ones abound. To put matters into perspective, a close examination of the current state of environment and sustainability planning by and in the City of Chicago. This short essay aims, accordingly, to explore contributions made by the City of Chicago's administration to enhance the quality of life from an environment and sustainability perspective and also to discuss challenges making such contributions less feasible.
The official website of the City of Chicago details the city's plans, programs, and initiatives in environment and sustainability management. In addition to the 2015 Sustainable Chicago Action Plan, the City of Chicago offers a wide range of programs and initiatives in areas as many as water, energy, waste and recycling, green buildings, and smart grids ("Environment and sustainability," n.d.). Moreover, Chicago Conservation Corps, a joint Chicago Academy of Sciences / Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum program, offers a platform for volunteers (18+) to support the city's plans to establish environment stewardship and sustainability into each and every domain of city's


activities ("Environment and sustainability"). These "independent" plans, programs and

initiatives assume a fuller and more comprehensive form in an ambitious program: Sustain

Chicago. In catering to different environment and sustainability issues, Sustain Chicago has a

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