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MindTap part 3 assignment. Management assignment.

Essay Instructions:

This Makes Scents (Part 3)
The company was now in its second year of business. Sales and profits continued to grow, and more staff had been hired. There were now 8 sales clerks and 1 inventory specialist, in addition to Jessie and Ashton, who shared the responsibility of managing the store. Employees seemed to get along with one another, shifts were being split equally, and product was arriving in a timely manner, so all inventory concerns seemed to be addressed. Jessie and Ashton were convinced that the future was golden and that business would carry on as usual and the profits would continue to roll in.Things were going so well that Jessie and Ashton were considering opening a second location. This new location would be in Cosmo Fair, a big, bright mall that was the talk of the town. Everyone was excited about the upcoming grand opening of this shopping haven, and Jessie and Ashton had a solid lead on leasing a beautiful spot in this new venue. They were thinking that they could each manage 1 store location, and given the current economy, it would be easy to hire sales clerks for the new location. The plan was to have new hires job-shadow current employees in order to learn how to be effective sales clerks. These new hires could then move to the new store after they had learned the ropes. However, plans for expansion were put on hold when unexpected news arrived.
You’re Leaving Us?
Jessie was shocked when she arrived at work and opened the envelopes on her desk. Sandra, the most senior sales clerk who had been with the company since it opened, was giving 2 weeks’ notice. The second envelope also contained a resignation letter from Jason, the inventory specialist. Jason indicated that he would be leaving the company next week. “How can this be happening?” thought Jessie, who picked up the phone to call Ashton for an emergency conversation.
The Conversations
Jessie and Ashton asked to meet with Sandra to inquire as to why she was leaving. Was it because of money? If they increased her hourly rate, would she stay? How much would it take? Sandra indicated that although the job she was moving to did pay slightly more per hour, she was mainly moving because the new role provided her with more responsibility and room for career growth and development. Her new employer promised to send her on leadership courses and invest in her future development. Sandra also indicated that her new job was in Cosmo Fair, and she was excited about working in a new, energized shopping mall.
When speaking with Jason, he indicated that he was tired of always showing sales clerks how to do inventory and that he wasn’t really being paid for all the work he did. Jessie and Ashton explained to Jason that he was a valuable member of the team and that they didn’t want him to leave, especially with expansion plans in the works. Jason was shocked and replied, “I have never been given any feedback or encouragement from either of you. How was I supposed to know any of this? Also, when you gave out bonuses last month, everyone got the same dollar amount. Why did I get the same money as sales clerks, when my salary is higher and my contributions are more meaningful? Also, everyone knows that the 2 of you took a sizeable bonus. I’m done. Consider this my last day!” Jason stormed out and slammed the office door behind him. That meeting had not gone as planned, and Jessie and Ashton were stunned. They knew they had to regroup and possibly rethink their expansion plans.

1. Jessie and Ashton had offered Sandra more money to stay in her current role with the company. What problems could have occurred if Sandra had accepted their offer?
2. What unique benefits could This Makes Scents offer employees? Why did you select these items?
3. If a second location opens, how should new sales clerks be trained? Explain why this is the preferred method.
4. Is there anything wrong, from an HRM perspective, with the expansion plans?
5. What performance management plan should be implemented for sales clerks? What performance management plan should be implemented for the inventory specialist?
6. Is it time for Jessie and Ashton to hire an HR person? How should a company determine if it is time to hire someone with this specialized knowledge and/or experience?

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1 Jessie and Ashton had offered Sandra more money to stay in her current role with the company. What problems could have occurred if Sandra had accepted their offer?
If Sandra ever wanted more pay rise, she would threaten to quit as she understood the company would be desperate to keep her. Counter offers embolden employees seeking to leave to continue asking for higher perks as they feel that the company is desperate to have them.
Other sales clerks may start demanding higher pay. If all sales clerk works the same way, those paid lower salaries will demand for higher pay like their colleague. This could balloon the payroll significantly eroding the business profits.
Things do not go back to normal. Once an employee has threatened to leave, the administration starts taking their absentee requests as possible interviews with other companies. On the other hand, the employees start feeling he/she is being hunted by the management and he/she can be replaced any time for threatening to quit.
Giving employee counter offers is rewarding employees who want to jump ship. From a business perspective it seems that the company is rewarding people who are not loyal to its course and could set a bad precedence for other employees.
Counter offers can embolden other happy employees to think of leaving CITATION Sco17 \l 1033 (Scott & McMullen, 2017). Other sales clerks may start seeking employment elsewhere to compel the employer to give them counter offer.
2 What unique benefits could This Makes Scents offer employees? Why did you select these items?
First, they could start by offering stock option compensation. The founders can lower their payroll expense while motivating the workforce to do more. Employee share scheme is an innovative way to motivate the employee without increasing the payroll expense CITATION Kra02 \l 1033 (Kraizberg, Tziner, & Weisberg, 2002). Employee share Scheme (ESS) has several advantages and some of them are: employees are motivated as they feel they own part of the company. They understand that the more profits the company makes, the more they take home. It is a cost-effective strategy for the business as it makes compensation packages more attractive without increasing the actual business expense. ESS also increases staff retention. For the employees, ESS can offer tax benefits.
Secondly, the business can offer directly proportional bonus packages. For the sales team, the sales packages should be calculated on basis on sales made. For other employees, the bonus package could be calculated on basis of their salary. Employee bonuses calculated on basis of sales (sales team) can motivate the employees to work harder to earn higher bonuses. For the rest of the team, bonuses based on the salary scale would go a long way in motivating them.
The company can also consider offering employees other perks as insurance covers and paying for their education. These two benefits have shown higher employee retention and better motivation.
3 If a second location opens, how should new sales clerks be trained? Explain why this is the preferred method.
First, it is important to note that there isn’t a silver bullet to training new hires for the sales clerk work. An effective strategy has to be multifaceted and continually improved to yield better results CITATION Mic19 \l 1033 (Watkins, 2019). However, the following strategies can be largely effective:
Using existing sales clerks as trainers for the new hires. The existing sales clerk best understand the work and they can pass their skills to the new hires. The new hires have the advantage of asking questions to experienced employees. Rather than outsourcing trainers, giving incent...
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