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The Godfather 1972- Movie Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Watch any one of the movies provided and focus on business including various characters and their strategies, were their styles beneficial or detrimental, did their strategies change over the course of the movie, did they express different traits depending on the environment or with different characters. Submit a 5-7 page paper summarizing the primary theme and several key concepts from our discussions and text which are highlighted in the film

Watch the film and important scenes multiple times, diagnose the situations, list various problems and variables, discuss ethical issues, look for opportunities to apply concepts analytical tools, support opinions with well-reasoned arguments and numerical evidence from the film, include charts/graphs, have several recommendations regarding the situation/dilemma, establish an action plan based on your recommendations.

I encourage you to select a film that you have not already seen.

The Godfather, 1972

The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, 1956

Office Space 1999

Glengarry Glen Ross 1992

Citizen Kane 1941

Tucker: A man and his dream 1988

Below are important files you must review and incorporate for this assignment, The 10 Commandments of Case Analysis and grading rubric for SLO1. In addition, refer to all analysis sections in the text for additional content.

Use heading throughout your paper and make sure to specifically highlight the SLOs below. Be clear in your writing throughout... don't make me guess or assume what your intentions are.

Student Learning Objective 1 (SLO1): Students will be able to identify and assess the ethical dimensions of management activities and evaluate their impacts on management decisions.


SLO1.1: Students will be able to identify ethical dimensions of a management decision or situation.

SLO 1.2: Students will be able to determine possible courses of action in an ethical dimension of a management decision or situation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Godfather 1972 Name Institution The Godfather 1972 The Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola's is an adaptation of the novel by Mario Puzo which goes by the same name. It is rare that the filmmakers will produce the exact features and content in the book and hence it is advisable to analyze the book on its own and when analyzing the film one should consider the subsequent effects and cinematic influence. Literature adaptation confirms that it is on a rare occasion that a movie will appear similar to the source or surpass the source, however, the movie Godfather is one of the few that have been observed to near and some even say it is better than the source dubbing it a masterpiece. The Godfather is said to be a major step in the creation of the gangster film genre and it is also changed the perception of the leading role of the criminal. Although it has been branded and placed in the gangster action genre by movie critics there is also an observation that this film is about a family setting with an Italian-American background who are trying to pursue the great American dream. The best way to achieve this dream is through a business venture and hence the theme of violence, family and business. Because of its popularity, the audiences have been left to make their own perception of the movie as they characterized it. The Godfather It is an exceptional movie besides being entertaining, hold world-renowned actors such as Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, and James Cann, it depicts a theme general theme of violence. It is so violent that in the entire movie there are very few scenes with no violence. This inhibited violence is what makes the Godfather a classic. In spite of the violence, there is the issue of family and religion themes depicted in the movie. Although the primary theme is violence, this theme is made more into a reality by combining it with the family love theme, religion and business culture where an Italian family is under pressure to achieve the unpopular American dream that is always praised but in the process of attaining this dream they undergo through the other themes that are violence, religion, and business. As the novel was based on real-life examples, the film shows how the American and Italian worlds based on the Corleone family interact with a rotten American society. There is a wide exhibition of ideologies, beliefs, and traditions which the American holds dear. The almost three hours action-packed movie is about the relationship between legitimate business and illegal activities on law enforcement and politics. Italians are known for holding the Catholic spirits high and hence it is not a surprise that the Italian family "Corleone" is observed to be religious member of the Catholic following, however there is an ironic aspect of it where the family chooses to get their daily bread through sinful ways yet the religion the uphold the most is against almost everything they did to earn a living. The film links religion and crime in a clever way. It gives life to religion and culture by casting paradoxical and introspective on both. However, the interest is laid on business and ethics of the family in the American land. Principles of management The Godfather has principles of management which are inclined towards management concepts depicted through the film. One of the concepts is motivation. Motivation is shown in the day to day running of the characters lives. Motivation is observed to play a vital role in influencing employees in the workplace. It achieves the above by linking the employees with the ideas of the organization by managers who pass down their aims to the team they lead with the aim of changing their perspective. There exists a relationship between the employee's output and motivation. As a manager, it is vital to know what the team you lead is supposed to do and directing them to do it in the best way possible. This...
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