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Draft report Management Essay Research Coursework Paper

Essay Instructions:

This is connected with the last order about data analysis.

This section is the conclusion and recommendation.

There are three word documents, two of them should be same as the last order. Another one named conclusion include some new information.

Contact me anytime if you need more information about it.


Instruction and grading rubric:

Client Executive Summary (1.5 – 2 pages) This will act as an introduction to address the problems and give an overview of the solutions we propose

-         Address key findings (What was the common theme among all the interviewees?)

-         Describe key findings (Define them and discuss briefly what this means for the client)

-         Briefly include recommendations to solve the dilemma


●     Data Analysis (2-3 pages) This is basically an outline of what we did with the data we obtained(Junnan)

-         Discuss our data analysis method and how we contacted the alumni to interview them (found via linkedin, used phone, provided transcripts and recordings, etc.) (discuss benefits of interviewing; found in textbook)

-         Define whether we used inductive or deductive (p. 174-179 of the textbook), provide definition and describe why it’s either deductive or inductive.

-         Use a diagnostic tool (Nadler-Tushman Congruence Model) to describe organizational change. (p. 121 of online textbook, numbers may vary for hardcopy of book).

-      "This section argues that …….. derive from three sources: …..."

-      "We arrived at these conclusions by applying the ….. Model….."


Results (2-3 pages) Discuss common themes and findings  Silang

-         Provide results of the interviews and try to tie it to textbook themes

-          What was the common theme for all the interviews?


Conclusions and Recommendations (2-3 pages) Chen

-         Review the key conclusions and identify the issues we found to be present

-         Provide recommendations for the client on ways to “fix” the issues outlined

-       Give your rationale for each recommendation, including an in-depth discussion of benefits and barriers.  For each recommendation, identify specific action steps that must be taken.  Explain what will be done, who should be involved, when it should take place, etc.


Citations (APA)






Click below to view and download a free version of Anderson's book 4th ed:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TGVIlBNS44b2iVpyAnZwpEfh3hU2N8SY/view






There are some pieces of transcript related textbook concept (may helpful or not), you can use it if you like.


Chapter 1 “a strong sense of community” is a question of Organization Development

Diagnosis is a common term among practitioners, it is unfortunate that it holds the connotation of the doctor–patient consulting model described in Chapter 5.


Sophia Zahory didn’t believe there was a strong sense of community at Mason due to so many commuters.


lilly:There is a strong sense of community on Mason’s campus. Of course, I saw myself as a part of the community. Even till now, people who are studying or studied in Mason School of Business send me invitations on LinkedIn. They want to connect with me, which is impressive.

Felix:I think Mason's campus has a sort of sense of community, but not on weekends. Campus is pretty dead on the weekends, so most students head off campus to find places to drink or party.  But the school still holds some activities, like Mason Day to arouse students' sense of community.


 Chapter 3 Core Values of Organization Development P. 82

Several humanistic assumptions underlie the core values of the field. By humanistic we mean that individuals deserve respect, are trustworthy, and want to achieve personal growth and satisfaction (Wooten & White, 1999). Humanistic values also include a belief in the equity and equality of people, democratic principles, and a belief in human dignity and worth.

Lilly:Behavior, cooperation, entrepreneurship. Because knowing more about organizational behavior and cooperation helps me work better with my teammates. Entrepreneurship gives me more strategic thinking about how to build a strategic thinking process.

Sophia Zahory:Finance, Opportunity, Career. Finance came to mind first because it was a difficult class. Opportunity because if you networked and got involved then you would be more marketable. Career because School of business helped with resume and in turn job searching.


Chapter 9: Structuring and Planning Interventions for Success (P. 290)

Providing Clear and Explicit Outcomes. Change agents should be forthright about what the intervention activities are designed to accomplish

13. What would you like to see in the School of Business going forward into the next 5-10 years? How, if at all, do you see yourself as a part of that?


Lilly: I realized the business community has been expanded a lot. I would like to see more students attend business school because business is more than money, it combines a lot of knowledge, such as Psychology, Math, Ethics, Politics, and so on. Business needs more and more students to participate in.

Sophia Zahory: In the next 5-10 years I would like to see more opportunities for expanding major/minor. I also believe that students go into college being unsure so they should offer more resources to educate them.





Chapter 10: Individual Instruments and Assessments (p.p.306)


Sophia Zahory: I believe there is a strong Mason community in the DC professional area because I have met a lot of Mason alumni in this area.


lilly:Well I don’t see there is a strong sense of the Mason ‘’community’’ in the DC professional area. There are so many universities in DC that are better than Mason, like George Washington University. Mason needs to be better to compete in these kinds of universities

Felix:In my opinion, there is a strong sense of the Mason “community” in the DC professional area. I regard myself as part of that community. I think this teaching atmosphere is very good.



Essay Sample Content Preview:
Conclusion and Recommendation
Institutional Affiliation:
Conclusion and Recommendation
Mason University is growing, but not holistically, as expected of an institution of its caliber. This is evident from the development of its alumni community, which is not easy to reach for data collection. Another problem is the few activities leading to little engagement with its alumni. Diversity, network, and a strong sense of community are still not exhaustively captured within the institution’s activities. In the foregoing, these aspects need a proper address and solutions found.
Alumni community
Developing a proper alumni database to connect with the current students regularly is paramount. It is not easy to reach these, but a strategy like social media platform could help. The interview was done for this research possible by the availability of LinkedIn. More platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WeChat would yield better results. Some platforms filter information about previous institutions. Advertisements on events should be adopted to cover a wider audience to attract them back to the institution. Book fairs, mentorship programs could work best in stamping this. This should run for one to two years while ensuring constant activities to unite former and current students.
Engagement Issue
With network development, the next chance is developing a strategy to solve the engagement issue. Once an alumni database is developed, the institution should widen its scope by bringing in the n...
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