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Challenges of Employee Diversity in the Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Using your textbook Gomez-Mejia, L. R., Balkin, D. B., & Cardy, R. L. (2016). Managing human resources (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson as a reference write a one-page response to the following:

1. Describe the biggest challenge that you think human resource management faces in managing employee diversity in the workforce. Support your response with at least one academic source.

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Employee Diversity in the Workplace Name Institutional Affiliation Date
Managing employee diversity in the workplace is one of the greatest challenges affecting human resource managers. A diverse body of talent in the workplace will play a significant role in bringing new ideas and perspectives to the workplace. As Harvey notes, the main challenge affecting employee diversity is getting the employees to understand the culture of each other CITATION Har15 \l 1033 (Harvey & Allard, 2015). Understanding each other's culture will play a significant role in boosting teamwork which will yield great results for the organization. Few organizations have set resources aside to train the employees on how they can understand each other and work together. Most of them under look at the benefits of embracing cultural diversity and view it as a wastage of resources and time.
Diversity management in the workplace is beyond recognizing the differences that exist among the employees. It requires the human resourc...
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