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The role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Essay Instructions:

In your paper, discuss your comprehensive understanding of the operational framework of the CIO.

How, specifically, does a CIO translate organizational and technology strategy into action?

What lessons have you learned in this—and in this program—that help you to execute this transition?

Your paper should consider and incorporate each of the topics we have discussed in this course (EA; CIO Leadership, Big Data and outsourcing; social, legal, and ethical issues; communications and selling business value). You should also draw on lessons from other courses and your own experiences and organizational analysis project.

For my part, talk about the topic of (DevOps, Current Challenges for Today’s CIO) Using the material I upload as resource and it’s ok to use other source.

Book about devops: Continuous Delivery and DevOps – A Quickstart Guide: Start your journey to successful adoption of CD and DevOps

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Change Title Your Name Subject and Section Date The role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) is evolving due to different factors that changed the developmental and operational models of production. The prime mover of these innovative change is due to the successful implementations of DevOps strategies which ensures the optimized performance of platforms and services. The DevOps is a culture of making developers and IT system operators work together towards a common goal. DevOps is all about delivering a value driven business with a consistent and rapid production rate (Cole, 2018). However, there is a presumption where combining development and operations will also give a combined issues or challenges, such as: people are disengaged and low morale, waste of having too many handovers and decision processes, overcoming the development against operations mentality, and so on (Swartout, 2014). This evolution lead to non-linear complex adaptive system with a complex mode of interaction where one leader may influence the resulting outcome of a product but cannot fully control it. The significance of a leader in a complex adaptive system is more inclined in providing context and incentives of that drives the system towards the intended outcome. The leader described in this system is the CIO whose focus is to help move the value business flow with the use of information technology. The CIO will not just impact only the IT organization but also the totality of the technical structure of the company (Schwartz, 2016). The CIO have many ways of translating organizational and technological strategies. Added by Schwartz (2016), the CIO's ways are the following: First, the CIO sets the context of the business value context and the criteria of success. In this role, the CIO's focuses on the vision of the company and nudge the system production towards the future state of the organization. The CIO collaborates with other leaders, such as finance and marketing to further fine-tune the product development and achieve the desired outcome. Second, the CIO orchestrates an archit...
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