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Conflict Management And Conflict In The Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Use Peer-reviewed articles and credible websites such as CDC, Mayo and any website with.edu. The article needs to be 5 years old (2014-2019).

Instruction what to write as listed below: Please make sure the paper is 2 pages (550 words). Thanks

1. Description of ways to handle or avoid a conflict

2. What are the steps to take to improve the comfort level and managing conflict?

3. Describe conflict management relates to the effectiveness as a leader

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Conflict management
Institutional Affiliation
Conflict in the workplace is unavoidable due to the different personalities, goals, and views of employees. According to the American Management Association here are the steps in managing conflict. First, understand the cause of the conflict. Solving a conflict requires you to have as much information as possible of how the disagreement ensued. Utilize questions to both parties such as, “how did the conflict start,” and “what is making you upset” among others to understand the issue (American Management Association, 2019, Jan 24). Second, go beyond the incident and try to ascertain its cause as in most cases, a conflict always has an underlying issue such as a previous argument that went unresolved. Third, push the two to work together by asking them to come up with solutions to their disagreement (Segal & Smith, 2018, Oct). Forth, listen to the solutions the two propose and identify one strategy they will both consent. Outline its qualities, which should be beneficial to the entire team in promoting cooperation. Lastly, get the conflicting parties to quash their disagreement, and with a handshake, they agree to move forward.
Depending on the situation you can employ these measures to manage conflict. One, you can avoid the conflict by pretending it is not there or treating is as unworthy of your attention. The style is sufficient for a short while as it tends to worsen the situation. Two, deal with the conflict head-on by giving into it. According to the Free Management Library, accommodating other people’s issues means agreeing to disagree when you discover that agreement is impossible to reach (McNamara, 2019). Three, you can utilize competition by pushing to have your way as opposed to listening or explaining yourself. Competition is valuable when you strongly believe in your view. Four, you can avoid conflict by compromising. A give and take relationship among employees is useful in helping people to move past an issue together and letting it be in the past (Segal & Smith, 2018, Oct). Fi...
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