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MCD2040 Assignment Business Report

Essay Instructions:

HI, I am writing some notes about the MCD2040bueiness report:

Firstly, All the documents about this management business report will be uploaded to you. These documents are very detailed in this essay format (Instructions to Students for the MCD2040 Assignment Business Report) and requirements [MCD2040 Marking Guide for Business Report (Case Study)], my desired score for this essay is D. I also uploaded a powerpoint file about my chosen theme, as well as a case study (KBC) on this essay. About how to write an Executive Summary powerpoint. And I have found a total of four references to motivation and organisation behaviour. All are in the uploaded file. Because this essay accounts for 30% of the total score of this course, so the requirements will be more, and there are more documents related to it. But these documents explain the format and purpose of this essay very clearly. Thank you very much for your help.


1, I have selected the two theory of this essay, you can write directly based on the theory here. The two management theories I chose were organization behaviour (Hawthorne Studies) and motivation (Herzberg’s two-factor theory). I will upload it to you about the powerpoint files for these two concepts. There is also a case study (KBC) file will be uploaded to you. When identifying a problem, you must use the example in the case study to prove and explain. I will upload a problem identification draft about the first theory, organizing behaviour. Based on this draft, you write the problem of organizing behaviour.

2,This overall section is where you identify, discuss and justify a minimum of 2 recommendations for the major problems you discussed in 1.0 Problem Identification & Analysis. Therefore you should have a minimum of one recommendation for each problem. The recommendations will be marked based on practicality AND justification with theory. Students are allowed to provide 2 recommendations for each problem but must stay within the word count. In addition to the minimum requirement, students can have a recommendation that is discussed as solving both problems.

3,The number of references I requested is 9. They are distributed in half in the problem identification(4 or 5) and the other half in recommendation sections(4 or 5). The citations of these articles must be academic, as well as the format of the cited article APA 6th ed. style. The file I uploaded has detailed documentation about the APA format.

4,The Implementation Section does NOT count for the word count. It is a section that MUST be written in a table and is basically a ‘step-by-step’ guide on how to implement each recommendation. Students must do a table for each recommendation using the headings 3.1 (for a recommendation for problem 1), 3.2 (for the recommendation for problem 2) and so forth.

In this section, you should specifically explain with a series of action steps how you will implement the recommended solutions. Theory cannot be used. You must state actions, as usually a number of people will be affected by what is recommended. Remember if a recommendation cannot be realistically implemented, then it can’t be a recommendation at all. The section should also have sufficient detail so that your reader does not have to refer to the case study report at all.

NOTE: ALL RECOMMENDATIONS MUST BE COVERED IN SECTION 3.0. Students may also want to put in their table any key considerations the business needs to consider or critical factors that need to be considered to make the recommendation work.


• The word count requirement is 2,000 words. Students may go 10% over and 10% under (1,800 to 2,200).

• Executive summary, Implementation section and the Reference list do NOT count for the word count.

• Make sure to minimise quotes, instead, you should paraphrase then cite (reference) the original source. Quotes should be saved for definitions.

• As it is a report, use third person, not first person. For example, use: This report... don’t use: I think...

• Every page must have a page number and header/footer.


• Must use APA 6th ed. style

• See the Q Manual on how to reference

• The reference list must be in alphabetical order

• Only use page numbers when citing when it is a direct quote

• A minimum four peer-reviewed journal articles AND your textbook must be used in

the assignment. This is a minimum, meaning students should use more than this. Websites and other sources that are not academic do not count for this 5 but rather are additional.

• Research is key to have a strong problem analysis and valuable recommendations.


For all text except the title and within figures (refer to Q Manual):

• Times New Roman 12pt Font

• Double line spacing

• ONLY Executive Summary can be 1.5 spacing

• Standard margins

• Typing is left justified only (ragged right)

• Indent first line of every paragraph

• Being a Business Report – every section from Problem Identification onwards MUST

use numbers as part of the heading. This will help the correct contents page to be created.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mcd2040 Assignment Business Report
Executive Summary
Kookaburra Beauty Clinic (KBC) has investors from China and Australia. The company is new and it provides cosmetic surgery services. KBC is managed by the Chinese medical professionals with its first clinic being opened in Melbourne in the last 18 months. The initial team comprised of 23 medical staff members who had Australian and Chinese origins. The CEO of the company decided to expand the operations of the company to Australia despite the request of Australian investors that the plan be held until a further notice. The initial team comprised of Clinical General Manager (CGM, two surgeons, Clinical Financial Manager, two cleaners, and five nurses. Unluckily, the plan failed to go as planned as the Australian ethical codes required every medical professional to have a certificate from the country which rendered the services of their initial staff members less useful. In response, the CEO decided to employ other Australian nurses to provide the services of medical experts which were needed which improved the organization’s operational cost. The issue created problems as it was against the primary focus of the firm of maximizing profits. As a result, the CEO decided to use less effective strategies of cutting cost which led to low workers morale and conflict between the employees and management. Therefore, the purpose of the report is to identify the management problems and recommend possible solutions which are in line with the concepts learned in class. The key problems include less favorable working environment through inappropriate cost cutting strategies and reduced employees’ morale. The recommended strategies of solving the problems include reducing the number of nurses, fair remuneration, and rewarding those who achieve their personal goals as will be discussed in this work.
Problem Identification
The problem with the company is on its management where she focuses on making profits without considering other factors. As a result of poor management, patients receive low quality health care because they are rushed into decisions without proper advice for the health professionals. The management has a problem of not motivating workers for achieving personal goals and using less effective measures of cutting operational costs such as through unfair remuneration and reducing the number of medical facilities ordered. One worker complained of not recognized for completing 20 surgeons successfully without any complication. The employee demanded bonus from the hospital as a sign of appreciation for the good work done. The CEO refused to offer the employee such a bonus for achieving personal goal and instead explained that the workers will be given additional compensation based on the organization’s overall performance. This in effect impacted the employees’ morale as they feel that their efforts are not recognized by the institution that only majors on making profits without considering the interests of their workers (Osabiya, 2015). The workers were also not motivated by denied the opportunity to get promoted in the institution which means less job security to the nurses. Some nurses did regret why they left their original jobs and came to an organization that offered them false promises which were never actualized.
Because of the complaints made by the workers, the management made another less effective strategy of focusing on cutting operational costs. The method of cutting costs involved reducing the time spent by registered Australian nurses in caring for the patients, reducing the size of hospital facilities ordered, and offering no bonuses and promotions. The cutting of medical expenses on ordering hospital facilities is evident when one of the surgeons complained of experiencing a situation where the patient work up in the middle of operation. The surgeon stated that the situation could have been catastrophic if the patient’s situation was not managed immediately. Because of the complaints made by the Australian nurses, the management decided to reduce their work time and force the Chinese nurses to work for more hours and were allowed to perform complex medical procedures that were not allowed to be done by unregistered nurses. The action amounted to unethical misconduct as the procedures should only be performed by registered nurses who are qualified for the job (Iita, Iipinge & Van-Dyk, 2016). The management further decided to offer no promotions, cancelling conference trips, reducing the quality of Staffs’ Coffee, and cancelling subscription to medical articles and journals which they considered to add additional unnecessary costs to the hospital. This made patients to be less informed about the operations of the hospital and lost trust and felt uncomfortable being treated in an environment where there was no proper staff, management, and patient relationships. The patients also complained of not receiving better record keeping by the organization.
Problem analysis
The problems experienced by the organization can be explained by two management theories including organization behavior and motivation. ‘’Hawthorne studies’’ is a scientific approach developed in the 20th century and it focused on improving employees productivity. The experiment concluded that undocumented social system was considered a powerful motivation of workers behaviors. The approach led to the emergence of human relations movement which is a concept in business management. Primarily, the experiment majored on measuring the effect of different working environments by a company including hours of work, levels of lightening, and payment systems on the employees’ output. The conclusion of the experiment was that the output levels differ not only because of changing rewards and business environment but also by the experiment itself (Muldoon, 2017). The outcome is improved employees morale which makes them to be more productive. The kind of supervision technique used in an organization greatly impacts the level of output of workers. The approach supported the scientific management approach that argues that individual economic interest motivates employees but added another factor that which is social needs as a driving factor to motivating workers.
In our case, the organization behavior theory supports why the employees were less motivated which impacted the performance of the business. The workers needed the company to meet their social needs apart from economic factors which were also crucial in motivating them and increasing business performance. The CEO continuous became frustrated because she felt a change in the response of workers to her management technique which was in contrary to how the employees responded to her in China. As a result, she started yelling at every employee which also interfered with the customers’ comfort. The new strategy of yelling at people created an un-conducive working environment for every person that lowered employees’ morale and productivity.
Another theory that supports the cause of the problem is two factor theory of motivation. The theory was developed by Frederick Herzberg in 1959. The theory argues that there are two factors which an institution may adjust to affect motivation. The two factors include motivators and hygiene. The motivator factors include opportunities for growth, performance, job status, responsibility, and recognition while the hygiene factors include physical work place, salary, manager-to-employee relationship, and colleague-to-colleague relationship. The motivating factors encourage employees to work while the hygiene factors will make workers to be less motivated if they are not present (Alshmemri, Shahwan-Akl & Maude, 2017). Therefore, both the bipolar factors should be considered to ensure that employees are motivated and perform their jobs as required.
In the case provided, the manager did not bother to implement any of the motivational factors....
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