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Youth sports

Essay Instructions:
This is a continuation of week 4 where you selected a topic of interest and chose 5 APA references.............. In the Issue Analysis Paper, students will select a topic, issue or subject relating to sports psychology and will analyze the topic in the first half of the paper. First, the student identifies an important Issue related to sport psychology and describes that issue in detail during the first half of the paper. Then, in the paper's second half, the student analyzes the issue and suggests solutions. Analysis requires breaking a subject, issue, or event into its constituent elements so that the assumptions or components are made clear and the relationships between them are made explicit. Thus, through the analysis paper, the student demonstrates comprehension of the material being analyzed. In that Sport Psychology is interdisciplinary, you can borrow topics and subjects from other areas in which you have an interest, but we must be sure the topic relates to sports psychology. Issues can include mental or physical conditions, performance, goal- setting and imagery, aggression and violence, group processes, competition, etc. The paper is not a personal opinion or reflection style paper. As such, it should NOT include personal story or observation sharing, but must analyze the issue; the personal, you or I, must be left out of your thinking and writing. You should write as though your readers are intelligent but not fully informed about the topic. Your paper must be developed using research material from at least five sources. You may not use your textbook as a source. You may also use the Internet for some of your material as long as you access scholarly resources and not popular media such as Sports Illustrated, Psychology Today, opinion .com sites or blogs, About.com sites or others that do summarizing for readers, abstracts without reading the full article, etc. NO WIKIPEDIA articles may be used for these papers or any other writing assignment in this course. All sources must be listed on "References" pages (not "Works Cited or "Bibliography" - those aren't APA format terms, and without the quotation marks) attached to the end of the papers. You must also cite the material within the body of your paper, using the American Psychological Association (APA) format (this is the citation format used within the narrative of your textbook). Your paper should contain a cover page with your name and the title. Papers are to be typed and double-spaced using a font size of 10 to 12, no larger, throughout, including the cover page. The pages should be full and margins should be no larger than 1" on all sides. The cover page and "References" page are in addition to the five-page length requirement. Below is the first topic proposal by you guys wrote for me regarding this assignment. Topic needs to contain this information. Description of Youth sports Theses are programs designed for young members of the community. They are funded by charities and donations from well wishers such as corporate bodies, government agencies and individuals. These programs are supposed to assist children discover and develop their sporting talents. Importance of youth sports Youth sports programs prepare children for income generating careers in the future. Several sporting academies have nurtured most of the world renowned sportsmen today. They generate their income from sports and also serve as an example to many children. Many kids in low income communities have not been able to realize their sporting talents. It is necessary to support the development of youth sports in these communities to tap the sporting talents of these kids, (Youth Sports, N, d). Youth participation in the sporting activities has been found to impact on development of their life skills, (Weinberg, 2008). It enhances their emotional and mental skills. It also helps them to develop behavioral and social skills that are important in their life, (Gould et al, 2007). Danish et al, (2005) found that these skills are then transferred from the sporting activities to other spheres of life. For instance, mental skills are transferred to academic works of the children. Parents play a very important role in shaping children participation in youth sporting programs. They are can either hamper or enhance children participation in sporting activities, (Knight et al, 2010). Parents are advised to encourage and support their children to participate in youth sporting activities. Conclusions Youth sports programs are necessary for development of children. Society should support these programs to help in developing talents of the children. Sports have become an income generating activity and parents should encourage their children to participate in sports. Topic: Youth sports APA formatted References 1. Danish, S.J., Forneris, T., & Wallace, I. (2005). Sport-based life skills programming in the schools. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 21(2), 41-62. 2. Gould, D., Collins, K., Lauer, L., & Chung, Y. (2007). Coaching life skills through football: A study of award winning high school coaches. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19, 16-37. 3. Knight, C. J., Boden, C. M., & Holt, N.J. (2010). Junior tennis players' preferences for parental behaviors. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 22, 377-391 4. Weinberg, R. (2008). Does imagery work? Effects on performance and mental skills. Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity, 3(1), 1-21. 5. Youth Sports. (N, d): 10 Benefits Of Participation. Retrieved on 30th May, 2012 from http://www(dot)ultimate-youth-basketball-guide(dot)com Summary of the sources Danish et al, (2005) discusses sports based life skills programming in schools. These are programs aimed at improving development of life skills in children through sporting activities. Gould and others talks about coaching skills acquired in football sports. Parental behaviors have influence on children participation in sporting events as shown in the study of Knight et al, (2010). Weinberg (2008) discusses the effects of sports performance on mental development in children. The benefits of participating in sports are also discussed in the literatures.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professor Name:
(June 22, 2012)
Youth Sports
Youth sports are community activities designed for the young members of the community, they are funded by charities and donation from well wishers such as corporate bodies, government agencies and individuals. These programs are aimed at assisting the children discover and develop their sporting talents .Sports participation by youths is beneficial because it boosts their capacity to deal with life challenges. Sport`s is a way of teaching life skills and it has a positive impact on the youth`s life skills enable one to succeed in their environments.
Youth sports programs prepare children for income generating careers in the future. Several sporting academies have nurtured most of the world renowned sportsmen today. They generate their income from sports and also serve as an example to many children. Many kids in low income communities have not been able to realize their sporting talents. It is necessary to support the development of youth sports in these communities to tap the sporting talents of these kids (Weinberg, 2008).
Youth participation in the sporting activities has been found to impact on development of their life skills, (Weinberg, 2008). It enhances their emotional and mental skills. It also helps them to develop behavioral and social skills that are important in their life, (Gould et al, 2007). Danish et al, (2005) found that these skills are then transferred from the sporting activities to other spheres of life. For instance, mental skills are transferred to academic works of the children. Parents play a very important role in shaping children participation in youth sporting programs. They are can either hamper or enhance children participation in sporting activities, (Maher, 2006). Parents are advised to encourage and support their children to participate in youth sporting activities.
Sports psychology is a branch of science that studies hoe psychological factors affects performance and how participation in sports and exercise affects psychological and physical factors. Parenting is an important for youth sports to help the youths develop behaviors that help build life skills (Reilly & Korkusuz, 2008). Research shows that children want their parents to provide support and become involved but not give technical advice unless they are good in the sport. Youth sports activities are aimed at enhancing the development of mental skills performance for those involved, fitness professionals train on how to use imagery to positively affect the physical performance outcomes (Youth Sports. N, d).
Imagery is the use of senses to create or recreate an experience in the mind Weinberg (2008), he explains that studies indicate...
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