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The Metamorphosis

Essay Instructions:
Include a thesis statement and at least one (1) specific example, either a quotation or a paraphrase, from the work or works you analyze. Your answer will be evaluated on its originality, clarity, and organization, and on grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
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The Metamorphosis
Professor Name:
(June 26, 2012)

Cockroach symbolizes ‘The Metamorphosis’
The Metamorphosis is also referred to as the transformation. Franz Kafka is the author of the novella published in 1915. The short novel has been adapted in Universities and Colleges as a study material basing on seminar works reflected in the twentieth century fiction. Gregor Samsa is a salesman involved in extensive travelling schedules. At one time, he woke up only to find himself changed or transformed into a different creature identified with cockroach. Critically analyzing the reasons of the transformation, the small novel fails to explain completely, creating suspense.
Part one reflects on Samsa displaying the physical traits of a giant insect. Everything else remains normal and falls back to sleep, thinking that things will resume to the original state. The new body hinders the normal functions. Samsa often despises the work of salesmen asserting that it was drearily, His family depends on his work as a salesman prompting him stick to the job. Samsa oversleeps, ultimately missing the train. The mother to Gregor knocks at the door on concerns of job lateness. Samsa’s voice has changed, as well, making the other side of the door not understand what he was gearing at. Grete his sister and the office manager get concerned and demand an answer for oversleeping, the Office manager, on seeing the Giant insect jolts out of the Samsa’s apartment.
Part Two reflects on Samsa waking up, only to find bread and milk on the table. Samsa’s excitement is short lived after realizing that his senses of taste are transformed. Next morning comes, His sister checks in and finds the milk on the table, and she goes ahead to replace with food craps which are rotten and Samsa gladly eats them. Samsa hides under the coach citing concerns of frightening his sister. A lot of time is spent by Samsa listening at the conversations made by the family members. The family is in financial difficulties since Samsa is not working. Samsa’s mother is rejected from visiting him citing the scary transformation.
Grete and the mother remove furniture from the Samsa’s room, a scenario that distresses Samsa. The sister calls out ‘Gregor’; research indicates that this is the first time he had been called upon since the transformations happened. He runs to the kitchen only to be attacked by the father.
Part three indicates friends to the Grete on a violin party; one of the audiences spots cockroach and decides not to pay for the apartments basing on the deplorable conditions. The three men disappear. Grete gets disgusted by the current situation and plans to get rid of Samsa, hoping that he will understand. Samsa finally dies. The family feels relieved. Samsa had made some savings leading the family to searching a suitor, to marry Grete.
The main idea in the short story identifies with cockroaches to bring out different meanings, it displays absurdity of life. The term metamorphosis brings out the wildly irrational and absurd...
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