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The Great Façade: World Hunger is as Result of Climate Change and Conflicts

Essay Instructions:

Please read the requires in the all picture that I submitted before you start to write the essay, they are very important! And you will base on other 2 essays what I wrote before( I WILL SUBMIT THEM), but those topics are similar! This essay is last essay for ENGL class, its very very important! Please pay more time to write it! Thanks a lot!

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The Great Façade: World Hunger is as Result of Climate Change and Conflicts
The Great Façade: World Hunger is as Result of Climate Change and Conflicts
Everywhere you go in the world today, you will find stiff competition for depleting resources. From the old to the young, people are trying to outdo each other and everyone is trying to be or stay ahead. One adverse effect of man’s competitive nature is climate change. Currently, the issue of climate change is a global priority and everyone is trying to offer their piece of wisdom on how to shield the world against the effects of climate change. Everyone has been drawn into the climate change topic and some researchers are already stating the not so obvious relationship between changes in the climate and world peace. As is always the case, after a problem or issue develops, people often come up with different explanations and theories to try and expound on the matter at hand. However, what many fail to focus or expound on is man’s obsession with conquering all and being considered supreme. While it is true that man’s activities like deforestation, overgrazing, poor agricultural mechanism, and pollution have all contributed in rapidly deteriorating the world’s climatic conditions, man fails to mention his quest for power as one of the reasons why the world is as it is today. The truth is, it has and always has been about power or authority and who has the most of it. Therefore, by showing a correspondence between man’s quest for power and climatic change and its effects, this article seeks to build on the premise that man’s selfish agendas are to blame for the issues affecting the world.
One of the major problems facing the world today is inequality and looking extensively at this issue one realizes that it has and is always about who controls what and who owns what. According to statistics from Inequality.org, “more than 70 percent of the world’s adults own under $10,000 in wealth. This 70.1 percent of the world holds only 3 percent of global wealth. The wealthiest individuals, those owning over $100,000 in assets, total only 8.6 percent of the global population but own 85.6 percent of global wealth.” The above statistics is indeed shocking and shows how a few people in the world control almost all the wealth. As people keep debating over the issues of climate change, the 8.6% keep exploiting the earth for more: as the global leaders meet almost on a yearly basis to ‘discuss’ climate change issues, this 8.6% keep milking the earth dry and one is forced to ask, to what end? Regardless of how many times one asks this question, the answer is always the same; power. Berg (2016) echoes the same message and in his article It’s About Power, Not Food: The True Causes of World Hunger, he uses an ironical story about India to drive his point. India he says, “exported 30 million metric tons of food, worth $23 billion in U.S. dollars. That included 11 million tons of rice, six million tons of wheat, two million tons of vegetables and a million tons of buffalo meat.” The above happened in 2015. However, “according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), India’s food-insecure population is 255 million people” and this is a whopping 36% of the world’s hungry population. The reason behind the above is because the country’s 8.6% is concerned with earning more and not feeding the hungry. The above is but a single example because there are numerous others who seek to explore and exploit the planet in search of more wealth. The consequences of their actions is the destruction of the world’s environment something which is often not brought up whenever world leaders convene. Creating wealth at the expense of the earth seems to be the norm and everyone is trying to find ways to break into the 8.6% populous.
According to Buhaug (2016), climate change is a fundamental security threat and therefore, changes in the climate will indeed constitute a risk to the peace and stability of the world. His sentiments are echoed by the likes of Fraser (2017) and the Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP) (2017) who all indicate that world hunger is predicated on conflict or war and climate change. According to GJEP (2017), “malnutrition and food insecurity affected 815 million people around the world in 2016 – up from 777 million the previous year.&rd...
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