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Comparison Contrast Essay: My Attitudes Towards Marriage And Family

Essay Instructions:

Compare your attitudes toward marriage and family with those of your parents.

Compare your high school courses and college courses.

Compare attitudes toward family in the United States and in another country.

One of the three topics

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My Attitudes towards Marriage and Family
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My Attitudes towards Marriage and Family
Marriage, also recognized as a wedlock or matrimony to others, is regarded as the bottom-most unit in the social setting community is viewed differently by people. To many people, including my parents, marriage is the basis of a family. To me, the meaning of marriage seems different to my parents. They are stuck in the 19th or rather a 20th-century world. We agree on few aspects but differ in the majority of the aspects of the same making the world a different place for us. I feel my meaning of marriage is more accommodating than theirs. My attitude leans towards non-traditional family and marital values and behavior. I feel I am more considerate about same-sex marriage than my parents.
Fist, I do not regard marriage as the sole basis of a family, but my parents do. My parents believe that it is only through a family that a man or a woman can have a happy and stable family but I disagree with them. I term this as chauvinism directed towards diluting people into getting into and staying in complicated and unhappy relationships. This is a prejudice that marriage leads to happier and fuller lives. I believe that if someone does not need to be married, they do not need to for them to have a family. Additionally, if couples/spouses/partners are not in love anymore and most importantly not in good terms, they should not try to force things. If the marriage does not work for me, I believe there is still a chance for me to have a family. To me, one only need children to have a family and can be happier than in the other case. I believe there are other options to have children including hiring surrogates.
Moreover, I am more lenient towards cohabitation than my parents. Additionally, I am more comfortable with having an affair and even children without a formal or traditional marriage. However, my parents believe it is an abomination, evil, and socially unethical to have an intimate relationship that leads to sex, children, and such acts related to formal marriage when it is not the case. I also believe that it is not a big issue when someone has a baby or sires children out of marriage. However, my parents actually perceive the act of siring children out of wedlock as wrong. They also believe these children cannot be equal to others sired in wedlock to make a family.
It is unimaginable to have spouses divorce according to my parents. Additionally, divorce should be the last resort that should not even come to be. However, I perceive divorce as the ultimate solution to rigorous disagreements within the wedlock. It is also easier for me to make such decisions compared to my parents. My parents relate cases of divorce to spiritual failure or evil spirits while I see it as a normal issue within our society that can happen to a...
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