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Something Is Rotten In The State Of Denmark

Essay Instructions:

M6A1: “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”
This activity assesses your ability to rephrase and explain one of the main themes of Shakespeare’sHamlet: political decay.“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”This quote is probably one of the most famous in all of Hamlet; however, it is useful to remember thatMarcellus says it rather than Hamlet himself. The quote doesn’t come from a member of the nobility, itcomes from a rather ordinary guardsman, commenting on the suspicious behavior of his Prince, a manfirst in line to the throne of his country:Horatio: He waxes desperate with imagination.Marcellus: Let's follow. 'Tis not fit thus to obey him.Horatio: Have after. To what issue will this come?Marcellus: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.Horatio: Heaven will direct it.Marcellus: Nay, let's follow him. [Exeunt.]Hamlet Act 1, scene 4, 87–91Taking the ordinary citizen of Hamlet’s Denmark as your audience, craft an in-depth news analysis onthe country’s current political state. This assignment is based on your close reading of the play’s firsttwo acts. Similar to the longer investigative pieces found in news magazines such as Time or Newsweek,you should examine the question of whether something really is “rotten” in the state of Denmark and, ifso, what? While remaining objective, your goal is to inform your readers of the “who”, “what”, “when”,“where”, and “why” of the current government and military situation of Denmark. Assume that yourreaders are relatively informed, but ordinary citizens of Hamlet’s Denmark.Draw upon the political situation as presented in the play for your evidence: the recent victory over OldFortinbras, the threat posed by his son, and the uneasy state of the monarchy. You can also use thecharacters in the play as your sources, quoting the words of King Claudius, Hamlet, and the Queen (forexample) as further evidence for your interpretation.This assignment should be between 500 – 700 words in length.

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Political Decay in the Hamlet
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Political Decay in the Hamlet
“Something is rotten in Denmark” is one of the imageries used in play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. The statement shows a political decay in the kingdom and can be interpreted as a premonition that the character Marcellus had for the future of his kingdom. This was because of the twisted turn of events that had occurred and had left the kingdom vulnerable to external attacks. Some characters who are a manifestation of the political decay are King Claudius, Hamlet, Queen Gertrude, and Ophelia. The essay will reflect on the above statement through evidence from the first two scenes of the play and show that indeed something is rotten in Denmark.
The first instance is when Hamlet gets back home from Germany only to find his mother married to his uncle, Claudius. According to Hamlet, it is a disgusting scenario considering that his father’s death is still a flesh wound and the people have not mourned the king properly. This is the reason why the king’s ghost is still roaming around the town. The marriage between the two is wrong; in the people's eyes, it is incest which is purely evil. The other aspect that makes the marriage wrong is that the new king Claudius is rumored to have killed his brother to inherit the throne. These scenarios only show how much the king is corrupted and is evidence that the kingdom of Denmark is rotten. Claudius is also guilt of his deeds; he says "My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent, and like a man who is double bound by business I stand in pause where I first begin and both neglect" (Mabillard, 2014). He is only interested in his business of inheriting the throne, and this is one of the reasons that he kills his brother. This is a real depiction of the highest level of rottenness in Denmark.
Another incidence of rottenness in Denma...
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