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How Eve's Routine May Affect Her Health Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

First need to read an article, the article is in the annex. Then according to the article to write an essay, essay requirements are also attached.

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How Eve’s Routine May Affect Her Health
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Literature and Language
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How Eve’s Routine May Affect Her Health
Eve is an overachiever who wants nothing more than to excel in school, but it is at the expense of her health and social life. In this paper, the consequences of Eve’s actions will be analyzed in terms of her health and well-being. Everyone wants to do well in school, but it should be the only thing that matters to a person. Having balance in life is important because it affects a person’s well-being. If Eve does not slow down, her health will be affected and certain complications will arise.
As mentioned in the story, Eve’s father wanted her to slow down because she may develop ulcer. Eve’s mindset is to spend all of her time doing school work and she barely eats; living on cereal and other quick snacks. This may fill her for a short while, but she still lacks the nutrients her body needs. Eve is only in high school, but as early as now she is already having heartburn and a weird taste on her tongue. Symptoms of ulcer include heartburn, pain in her stomach, acid reflux, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and others (Johnson, 2017). The pain in her stomach could be an indication of early onset of ulcer, and Eve has to make changes in her routine to prevent it from worsening, before it becomes ulcer.
It is understood that she wants to get into Ivy League school, but being an athlete also requires being healthy for her to perform well in games. She should make time for proper meals during the day and get more than 2 hours of sleep at night. At the rate she is going, it will not be surprising if she suffers from health issues early.
Even if her parents want what is best for her, it does not mean they are asking her to sacrifice her physical health. They even want her to slow down and focus on herself because they will still love and respect her even if she does not get into Ivy League school. It is all in her mind that her parents will lose respect for her, and if she refuses to make changes, she may develop anxiety. Eve’s routine sounds like people are always watching her, forcing her to only focus on her studies. She barely has time to see friends, catch up on sleep, or have time for leisure. If in the long run she develops generalized anxiety disorder, she will start to worry about family, school, health, and money (MNT Editorial Team, 2015). It seems that she worries too much about everything if the result is not in her favor. For others getting an A+ o...
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