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What it Takes to be a Leader?

Essay Instructions:

This will be a leadership essay where materials from the class must be used. I will attach them in the files.


This link has some videos on leadership but only 2 of them can be used as citations. A minimum of 5 total citations are needed and the material will be attached in the files. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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Leadership is an admirable position that everybody wishes to take up. It can be formal or informal, depending on the status of the person. Informal leadership is voluntary. For instance, an elderly son of the family is expected by society to lead their siblings. Formal leadership is evident in professions like public health, where a person is appointed to lead other employees. The assigned materials provide a significant base about leadership in all disciplines. The three notable takeaways from the materials that can help a leader in the public health profession or a person intending to venture into the profession including accepting that leading are not about ranks, listening to other leaders and subordinates, and always being humble.
Leadership is not about the ranks that a person climbs in the course of their professional work. It is an inborn and cultured skill that makes one outstanding in their practice. Some people are good leaders and not in the top position, while others can be in leadership positions and not exhibit leadership qualities (Sinek, 2020). Being a leader is having followers and not ranks that give a person the privilege to command their subordinates. Understanding this is the initial basis that guides a public health professional or a person willing to join the profession. A leader takes the first initiative to address an issue. For instance, a person is a leader if they note a problem and be the first to raise the concern even when they know it might cost them their jobs. For instance, some companies may cut down employee salaries without giving them notice. A leader takes the initiative to ask the company about the pay cut risking their positions. Such people get followers who back them up and give them ideas to strategies and approach the issue. The followers also mean that leadership is a group responsibility but only communicated by one person. To implement this, a public health professional must always consult with other people before deciding on an issue.
Listening is the most outstanding value a leader should always possess. The basis of listening comes from a person's urge to learn how to become a better leader every day. The thought of personal leadership development makes a public health professional listen more to other people. A fact is that no one is born knowing everything, and listening is the best way to learn new things. One has to listen to everybody's view, including the people they disagree with, to enable them to learn more about their roles and what is required from them (GreggU, 2018).
Observing the insights and experiences of other people helps to enrich one's leadership style and correct their leadership mistakes. Also, listening to the peop...
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