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WEEK 1 FEMST Business & Marketing Research Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Answer each of the questions below. Each answer should be one single-spaced paragraph of between 150-200 words. Use times new roman font in size 12.

Q1. After watching the first half of Good Fortune and reading Nthenge & Abila, how do you think understandings of the terms ‘Development and progress’ differ between multi-national corporations such as Dominion and aid organizations such as UN-HABITAT, and local inhabitants?

Q2. According to Gilbert, how do the goals of having "cities without slums" and having "cities with better shelter" differ? Why is it important to consider word use and history in our language around development?

Good Fortune is a movie which name is Soest, L. V. (2010). Point of View: Good Fortune. PBS.

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Week 1 Questions
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Week 1 Questions
Question 1
Answer: Understanding the term 'Progress and development' vary based on the perceptions that people have toward different aiding programs. Some of the causes for the situation include political assumptions and mistrust of the government leaders who in a long time have been linked to poor governance and corruption issues. Even though local inhabitations understand 'Development and Progress' based on infrastructure, Multinational Corporation perceives the term from an economic point of view.
On the other hand, the aid organizations understand the term from a social development perspective, thus believes that addressing a country's social problems enhance development and progress. According to (Agatha, & Romulus, 2014), most of the communities fail to understand the role of the aided programs due to poor communication and understanding. The understanding of the term differs in both multinational corporations and aid organizations due to the impacts that the organizations have had on the people in the past. Besides, significant cases linked to multi-national corporations have been shown to have a direct influence on the progress unlike the case of aid organizations. The locals believe that the aiding programs disregard its potential in addressing similar challenges. The local's residents have had different conflicts with the multi-national corporations (Agatha, & Romulus, 2014). While the aiding organizations aim to improve the livelihoods of the groups, significant problems have been noted with the fact the aiding program reduce the ability of people to work hard and change the poverty levels in their countries. For example, Agatha, & Romulus, 2014 explained how the conversion of the Yala Swamp to productive land could support local livelihoods of the western part...
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