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Analysis of Emily Dickinson's Poem "I Heard a Fly Buzz - When I Died"

Essay Instructions:

Read some of emily dickinson's poems and write a short analysis (no longer than a page and a half) of a poem that you find puzzling but intriguing. Make sure don't pick 657, "I Dwell in Possibility"; 258, "There's a Certain Slant of Light"; 505, "I would not paint--a picture--"; 543, "I fear a Man of Frugal Speech", but all other options are available. The poem should be two or more stanzas in length. Use three of the Vendler Inquires as the basis for your essay: one should be literal/antecedent scenario, the other two are up to you. How you organize your essay is also up to you, though it should be organized in some way.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analyzing the Poem, ‘I Heard a Fly Buzz - When I Died’ by Emily Dickinson
Analyzing ‘I heard a Fly buzz - when I died,'
The Literal Scenario of a poem is what is happening on the literal level. It is the situation being described in the poem. In this case, this paper will analyze the situation being described in ‘I heard a Fly Buzz.''First, the poem analyses the persona’s death, what things happen when she is in that lifeless state. The silence and quiet she experiences in the room she is in, as captured in the line ‘’ The Stillness in the Room, Was like the Stillness in the Air.’’The sadness and sombre mood in the room, from sadness caused by her demise, and those in it, including a King who had gone to pay homage. She juxtaposes the fly’s presence to her life flying away with the insect through the window; in essence, the fly’s presence is a symb...
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