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Personal World View. Our worldviews guide the way we think and act in everyday life.

Essay Instructions:

Write an 800-1,000-word essay on your personal worldview. Briefly discuss the various possible meanings of the term "spirituality," and your understanding of the concepts of pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism. Primarily, address the following seven basic worldview questions:

What is prime reality?

What is the nature of the world around us?

What is a human being?

What happens to a person at death?

Why is it possible to know anything at all?

How do we know what is right or wrong?

What is the meaning of human history?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Personal Worldview
Student’s Name
Personal Worldview
Our worldviews guide the way we think and act in everyday life. They may answer key questions about life such as those that revolve around life meaning, the belief in a higher power, and our perception of good and evil. Our worldview thus dictates how we live, what we consider to be to the reality, as well as our perception of what is wrong and right. In this essay, I write about my worldview. The essay first examines spirituality and the concepts of pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism before dwelling deeper into the aspects that characterize my worldview.
The term spirituality can be looked at from two perspectives. According to Roeser, Issac, Abo-Zena, Brittian, and Peck (2008), spirituality can be viewed, first, as states of consciousness. In this case, spirituality refers to specific kinds of phenomenological awareness states, those that go beyond the normal ego-consciousness. Roeser, Issac, Abo-Zena, Brittian, and Peck (2008) point out that powerful emotions like love, elevation, wonder, and awe accompany these states. Secondly, spirituality can be viewed as distinct representational human development domain that has its central psychological functions, content, and stage structures (Roeser, Issac, Abo-Zena, Brittian, & Peck, 2008). The content of the domain, in this case, is defined by aspects of ultimate purpose, meaning, and value. To understand spirituality further, the authors examine two common spiritual ideals: theistic spirituality and contemplative spirituality. Theistic spirituality is committed to attaining closeness to the ultimate being (Allah, God, etc.). It is God-centered and is characterized by spiritual practices such as recitation of scripture, singing in praise of the divine name, and devotional prayer (Roeser, Issac, Abo-Zena, Brittian, & Peck, 2008).
On the other hand, contemplative spirituality is centered on consciousness rather than God, and the practices associated with it include mediation, services to others, and the recitation and study of scripture. I believe spirituality revolves around having a connection with one’s inner self, understanding what one has to do to become a better version of themselves. I believe in a higher power, who created the universe as it is.
Pluralism refers to the coexistence of many different beliefs in the same society. In his article, Nwaomah (2017) describes religious pluralism, in which he refers to it as the existence of many religious groups in a society that is considered to be secular. Therefore, from a religious point ...
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