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Reasons for Pursuing International Business Program at Howard University

Essay Instructions:

The School of Business has been a model for higher education since its founding in 1970. With dynamic academic departments, ground breaking centers of excellence, esteemed faculty, award winning programs, and over 8,000 alumni across the globe, the Howard University School of Business continues to be ranked among the top business programs in the nation. Describe why you are interested in studying business, and how the program that you have selected will support your particular interests.

This is the prompt that Howard University gives me, and I chose the International business program as my first choice. ( 800 words Max)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

College Application Essay
Ever since I was young, I have always had an interest in how businesses are operated and managed. Additionally, I have also been fascinated by how businesses, both small and large, work. It is also keynoting that my interest in the different languages and cultural differences that are common in the business society started from a very young age. My passion and zeal for a business-related career started when I was growing up watching my stepfather controlling and managing his small and successful computer shop and my mother working at Citibank. This played a major role in choosing my career as it provided me with vital ideas about the daily life in the business environment where individuals are required to invest an extensive amount of time, effort and other essential resources so that they can effectively meet the needs of their customers.
Furthermore, I became eager and ready to comprehend how the success of a business may be affected by certain cultures from different countries. This made me develop more interest in understanding and comprehending how the world works as well as how the various cultures combine and work together as a whole. It is also important to note that working in the international spheres in business-related fields had been of great interest to me for a very long time.
Studying economics in secondary school strengthened my early business interests. It provided me with crucial information which was essential in understanding the pricing of goods and services, the process of productions and the basic concepts of supply and demand. Also, in my sustainable development subject, I learned how the Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs could be used in business to motivate the employees to work productively and also the importance of every business to operate sustainably with its stakeholders. These subjects broadened my knowledge of the development of a business in a dynamic business environment. Additionally, through the course of sustainable development, I was awarded the opportunity to examine sustainable solutions to transport on a study trip to India. This further allowed me to advance my practical ability to collect information and gaining experience of the social, economic and environmental issues for the developing world.
Some of the other interests that I have gained from my time at high school are my increasing interest in s...
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