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Risk management in Healthcare. Creation of Safety Culture

Essay Instructions:

This assignment builds on the Risk Management Program Analysis Part One assignment you completed in Topic 1 of this course.

Assume that the example risk management program you analyzed in Topic 1 was developed by and is now currently implemented by your health care employer/organization. Further assume that your supervisor has asked you to present a high-level summary brief of this new risk management program to a group of administrative personnel from a newly created community health organization in your state who has enlisted your organization's assistance in developing their own risk management policies and procedures.

Compose a 1,250-1,500 word summary brief that expands upon the elements you addressed in the Risk Management Program Analysis Part One assignment.

INFECTION CONTROL is the topic part one.

In addition, analyze the following:

Explain the Joint Commission's role in the evaluation of an organization's quality management processes.

Describe the roles that different levels of administrative personnel play in establishing or sustaining operational policies that are focused on employer-employee organizational risk management policies.

Explain the relationship of risk management programs and compliance with ethical standards.

In addition to your textbook, you are required to support your analysis with a minimum of three peer review

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Infection Control
Summary Brief
Risk management plays a critical role in any organization. In a healthcare organization, there is a need to improve the patient safety by including the behavior in a safety culture within the organization. Having a proper risk management system can lead to the maintenance of high-quality patient care. Managers are tasked with the responsibility of designing and implementing of constant improvement of risk management strategies by engaging all the stakeholders. Active participation of the management and involving all the stakeholders is the only sure way of enhancing a viable and robust safety culture within an organization.
Creation of Safety Culture
Creating a safety culture is never an easy task because it involves a continuous effort and systematic evaluation of the steps taken. However, that does not mean that it is not attainable. If a proper follow-up process is put in place by the management and evaluated on a periodic basis, then there is no doubt that it can be achieved (Kim, Park & Park, 2016). Another element that matters a lot is the management and the employees’ commitment. Both the parties and safety measures must embrace the culture should be met and followed in the daily activities. When the employees encounter regular application of safety measures, the organization is likely to develop a safety culture. Many other steps must be followed to create a working safety culture in a healthcare organization.
To begin with, developing a safety culture would require a certain level of safety awareness such as coming up with safety tips and warning messages on notice boards and posters within the organization. All the employees should be able to understand the risks involved in the case a safety measure is not followed. Initiatives may make the employees understand and recognize the safety concerns (Kim, Park & Park, 2016). For instance, physical safety concerns such as slip in case of spills ought to be explained to employees and why, perhaps, neglect of a spill may lead to a disastrous physical problem. Taking time to address physical hazards may bear some fruit and play a significant role in creating a safety culture within an organization.
Also, coming up with a safety committee may help in the implementation process. The committee may devise strategies that can be used to promote safety within the organization such as proposing an incentive program that can make the workers embrace and adopt safety measures in the fastest way possible (Kim, Park & Park, 2016). The committee should be given enough resources and power that can help it carry its activities smoothly. They may, for instance, propose training programs either internally or externally and develop accountability systems that can be used in assessing the outcome of training (Kim, Park & Park, 2016). The management, alongside the safety committee, may choose safety goals as well as activities that can ensure everyone takes responsibility for the safety concern. If safety becomes everyone's responsibility, then it is likely to become a culture.
What to do Administratively to Promote Safety
Making any proposal in an organization cannot succeed without getting a clean bill of health from the top management which is tasked with the daily operations of a healthcare organization. For you to achieve, you must seek the senior management's support otherwise safety measures may not be taken seriously. To promote safety, and enhance quality care, it is essential that the critical management alongside other staff members and stakeholders work together as a team I o achieve a common goal. Sharing goals of safety promotion in an and employing teamwork is likely to create a sense of belonging among different groups within the organization. The management should actively develop a relationship with the employees and allowing them to play their role in the creation and implementation of safety processes. It is therefore upon the management to act as an example to the employees by showing commitment, and the employees are likely to adopt. It is vital for ...
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