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Macro-Level Global Community, Global Personhood, and the Transnational Corporations

Essay Instructions:

Answer each of the questions below. Each answer should be one single-spaced paragraph of between 150-200 words. Use times new roman font in size 12.

Q1. Steger argues that globalization has increasingly made "global the frame of reference for human thought and action." Thus globalization involves both "macro-structures of a 'global community' and micro-structures of 'global personhood.'" Based on Steger's arguments, consider your own experience and discuss one example of how you belong to a macro-level global community, and one example of how you express "global personhood" in your own life.

Q2. Briefly summarize Steger's argument regarding Transnational Corporations (TNCs). Based on what you've learned so far, what makes TNCs so powerful and influential?

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Question 1
An example of how I belong to a macro-level global community is the fact that I once worked for an international company. Throughout my working period, I was able to learn about various cultures from some of the international workers that I associated with. This helped in building my business core values hence making it easy for me to understand the ways of doing business on a global scale. At first, it seemed difficult to run a company within a different culture and still expect to achieve a large market base. However, the CEO of the company acted as an inspiration to my worries because the company was socially responsible and ended up having a huge market share. On the larger scale, it became a major competitor of the local companies that operated in an environment governed by their culture. Therefore, when working on an international company, it is important first to learn the ways of living of the native citizens to make it easy for the company to fit in the new environment (Steger, 2016). However, it was unfortunate that the management of the home country of the company was not doing well due to the mismanagement of funds. As a result, the company ended up collapsing resulting in the loss of job to the employees. Besides, their ways of doing business were adopted by their competitors and have been able to establish strong dynasties. This was an inspiration in my life because I believe that I can well fit in an international work environment and be able to inspire other people. The experienced help in enhancing my social skills.
I express global personhood by being able to interact with people from other parts of the world. It is not easy to ta...
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