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Examination of Conscience

Essay Instructions:

Examination of Conscience
DUE: Monday, January 14th, 2019 Instructions:
Type an “Examination of Conscience” for teenagers. This reflection does not have to relate to Catholicism or any faith. This ‘examination of conscience’ is a written reflection to help examine your life, your lifestyle, and your life’s decisions. It is also meant to help you evaluate mistakes you’ve made, hurtful actions you conducted, harmful acts to yourself and sins you’ve committed (thoughts, words, actions and omissions). Furthermore, your reflection should help to assist you in improving your life at home, at school and in your community.
Non - Catholic Examination of conscience is a review of one's thoughts, words, actions, and omissions for the purpose of ascertaining their conformity with, or deviation from, the moral law.
This assignment must be typed - 300 words, #12 font (Times New Roman), and double spaced. A hard copy must be handed in on Monday, January 14*, 2019.
Assignment can be in paragraph form as a reflection. It can also be a list of questions for the purpose of self examination. It can also be in narrative form - just like the son in the “Parable of the Prodigal Son”, examining the fact that used money from his father and wasted it on a life of self indulgence, luxury, and prostitutes; and he probably should go back home to his father and repent.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Examination of Conscience
Examination of Conscience
I believe the secret to being successful is by working hand in hand with other people. No one really can do it on their own without requiring at least some help from others. In this regard, I think I have failed since I tend to rely more on my abilities even though they are quite limited. I have the tendency not to form any friendships but instead rely on one or two random friends depending on the moment. I realize that this is a big mistake especially since I do this consciously. This means that when it comes to classwork or any extracurricular activities I usually do not have reliable people to consult or work with. This way, I cannot learn well because I miss any brilliant ideas that could be shared by others that would otherwise make learning a joy and less of a struggle for me...
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