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Canadian Identity vs. American Identity Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Compare the Canadian novel, King Leary by Paul Quarrington as a manifestation of Canadian Identity to The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

750-1000 words, 6-8 paragraphs.

How the texts may be compared as examples of national identity.


This course has examined some explorations of identity primarily through the texts The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald,Macbeth by William Shakespeare and your novel choice for the Canadian Identity written by a Canadian author with a setting, at least partly, in Canada.
The final culminating assignment will involve writing an essay in which you compare your Canadian novel as a manifestation of Canadian identity to either The Great Gatsby as a manifestation of American identity or Macbeth as a manifestation of English/Scottish (or British) identity.
The essay is a formal academic piece of writing meaning that it is written in the third person and it contains no slang, jargon or contractions.
The essay should be about 750-1000 words in length. There should be about 6 to 8 paragraphs in the essay.
You are required to develop and write a clear thesis statement summarizing your views on how the two texts may be compared as examples of the national identity of the author's country (Canada and either The United States or England).
The introductory paragraph should introduce the topic of the essay (specifically mentioning the two texts to be compared). It should also include the thesis statement that will guide the entire essay. Your thesis statement should be obvious to any casual reader without actually containing a phrase such as "the thesis of this essay". The introductory paragraph should also give the reader some sort of explanation of what to expect in the coming paragraphs in terms of the specific aspects of each text you will focus on.
The essay will contain four to six body paragraphs. Each paragraph should contain a clear topic sentence for that paragraph. The topic sentence should be a statement that clearly supports some aspect of the thesis of your essay. Each body paragraph should provide specific proof on support of the topic sentence and, ultimately, the thesis of the essay. This evidence must be in the form of direct quotation from the chosen text or anecdotal description of particular events, characters or ideas etc. from the text. Each body paragraph should try to end with apt transition to the next paragraph of the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The American Vs. Canadian Citizenship
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Various countries across the world have different customs that differentiate their citizens from those of other countries. An example is the differences exhibited by the citizens of Canada and those of the united states of America. This will be best described using Scotts Fitzgerald's Great Gatsby as a representation of the American citizen and Paul Quarrington's King Leary. The Great Gatsby is a story of love and betrayal whereby some of the characters die as a result of a misunderstanding (Scott, 2017). King Leary is the story of a hockey player. The actions of the characters and themes as putting across by the authors play a substantial role in bringing out the citizenship of each the people from both countries.
Through the theme of the American dream, the great Gatsby can bring out the ideology of an American citizen. According to the American dream, the typical American, regardless of their race or ethnicity are entitled to becoming rich as long as they work hard. The story of Gatsby is that of an individual who has climbed the ladder and lives a luxurious life. This is an indication that the author is showing the readers how a hardworking American can end up being successful and spent their money in any manner that they like (Bénabou, 2017). It is the wish of every American citizen to work hard and get well compensated for the hard work in order to become successful in life.
Similarly, Quarrington shows the hardworking nature of Canadians by giving a breakdown through the life of Patrick Leary. He shows the manner in which the character was able to work hard towards the many achievements that he made in the world of playing hockey. He might have passed through many challenges and he still never gave up. Patrick had people by his side which encouraged him to become the champion that he became. This can be compared to the American dream whereby the citizens have to work their level best in order to become rich and be able to sustain their living without depending on others. The enthusiasm in achieving something is what brings a comparison between an American and a Canadian citizen. As well, the achievement of the American dream requires motivation from other people in order to be able to succeed. It eliminates racism and other obstacles that would prevent an individual from achieving their dream. Also, Patrick Leary had friends that motivated him through his journey of being a hockey star, hence, being able to avoid negativity. All that an individual requires for them to succeed is a focus and hard work.
Also, the author of the great Gatsby represents his characters as hardworking individuals. This is one of the main characteristics which Americans identify themselves with. For instance, the author talks about young officers that were headed to Europe in the line of duty. This is an indication that no matter how young the officers were, they were still working hard to make a living by leaving their country. Also, it could mean that they represent the American citizen who has been brought up in an environment whereby they have to seek a living and be able to take care of himself (Kirby, Cavanaugh, Freeman & Smeraldo, 2017).
On the other hand, King ...
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