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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Scientific Style of an Analysis of a Passage on Washington Black

Essay Instructions:

The essay is about 150 words, but have very restricted writing requirement. All the requirement and example will be provided as jpg files.

5- SCIENTIFIC STYLEAssignment 1 APA Format and Scientific Style
This assignment introduces two elements.
I. APA Format
You will need to lormat all SCIE 1111 assignments according to the requirements of the American Psychological Association (APA). You can find the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (on reserve in the Killam library). The library also explains how to set up your Word document in a series of three short online video tutorials. Io find these videos, go to http://Iibraries(dot)dal(dot)ca/help/online-tutorials.html and then scroll down to ‘Citing & Writing’.
For this part oi the assignment, we want to see that you have created a template file using APA format that you can use for SCIE 1111 assignments. The purpose of this component of the assignment is to reduce formatting errors in future assignments, which otherwise will lead to lower marks.
You will need to create a draft version of your assignment in a file in Word (or similar word processing software) and show it to your mentor during your first tutorial session. You will also need to print out the document so your mentor can check that what you hand in - the hard copy -w ill look appropriate to the markers. Therefore, you should do both of the following:
1. Take a laptop to the tutorial to show your mentor your electronic file. This will allow the mentor to help you correct errors in formatting and save them to the template you will use for assignments. If you do not own a laptop, you will need to take your file on a memory stick and open it on someone else's computer. Note: If this does not work, your mentor will ask you to email your file to her or him, but this will be permitted only if neither of the other options is possible.
2. Take a printed (paper) copy of the Word file to the tutorial for your mentor to see, and help you revise or correct layout and other printed format issues.
Note that Dalhousie students can download, for freey Microsoft Word and Excel. We recommend you do this rather than use an open-access or non-standard version of M ord or use a word processing package other than Word.
Please he sure to use an English version of Word so your tutor can read the menu and help you correct formatting.Your template file must recreate the cover page and subsequent pages illustrated below, though, of course, you should include the draft of your scientific style paragraphs for your mentor to

5. SCIENTIFIC STYLEreview. Note that the cover page has SCIE 1111-specific aspects (illustrated below), but the rest of the document follows APA format.

Create a SCIE 1111 folder and save your template file as ‘Assignment Template’. If your formatting is not correct, revise the template file and keep updating it to make it as perfect as possible. Each time you begin a new assignment, open the template file and save it as a new file (e.g.. Assignment 1). When you get your assignment back, review for formatting errors and make any formatting corrections to your template. This will ensure your template remains as your reference and you will not repeat formatting errors on subsequent assignments.
Review the earlier section ‘General Advice for Writing Assignments9. The components that we are looking for in Part I are:
1-inch margins on all sides, with nothing written in the margins (Running head below the 1" margin);
Times New Roman font throughout, including in the page headers;
First line of each paragraph indented 14-inch;
Left aligned (not justified) text;
Double spacing throughout (i.e., both within and between paragraphs);
No extra space between paragraphs;
Running head (2-3 key words from title) on page 1 (with words ‘Running head') and on pages 2 and 3 (without ‘Running head’);
Cover page matches example;
Marking box as close as possible to the example illustrated;
Word count typed into marking box;
Originality statement on cover page signed by author (in black ink);
Title to appear on cover and at top of p. 3;
Reference(s) begin on a new' page, with the heading ‘Reference’ centred and not in bold; and
Reference(s) use a hanging indent (i.e., first line left aligned and subsequent lines indented).
II. Conversion to Scientific Sty le
Following these instructions, you will find a literary passage. Your task is to convert the literary passage into scientific style.
Notes/Outline: To do this, begin by identifying all the non-scientific (e.g., literary) elements that you will not need. Then identify all the scientific (objective, factual) information that you think should be in the scientific version. Organize the same kind of information together (e.g., set the scene/location, description of a building, description of weather, the people involved, their relationships, etc.). You might use headings for these different groupings of information. Prioritize the information under each heading. This will serve as an outline for you to write your scientific passage. ^ ou must include this outline on p. 2 of your assignment; there are two marks assigned for this outline.44

5. SCIENTIFIC STYLE 45The outline can be single spaced, but should follow all other format requirements (e.g.,
Times New Roman 12 point font, 1” margins, etc.)Remember that your outline should be sufficiently informative for you (or your marker) to be able to create your scientific passage without having to re-read the literary passage. This will be one of the things your marker will be considering when determining the mark for your outline.
That said, your outline should be in the form of notes, points, headings, etc.; it should not be in the form of sentences and paragraphs. (Hofmann has a section on outlines on pp. 135-138).Scientific passatze: Your scientific passage should not be a shortening of the literary passage. You should decide what information you wish to include in your scientific passage (see Outline, above) and then write original paragraphs based on your plan. You can (and should) rearrange information in ways that work for the scientific purpose of your piece.
You should try to include in your scientific passage as much as you can from the topics and items you have listed in the outline. Your passage, however, will organize the information into paragraphs and follow a structure your reader can follow. For example, you might describe the scene or geography in the opening paragraph, the character(s) in the second paragraph, and the action in the third paragraph.
Remember, too, to revise and edit; a first draft will lack the finish of a passage that has been revised and edited a few times. Also, try to write with clarity and in scientific style. These are things your marker will be assessing when determining your mark.
Your scientific version should be between 140 and 150 words (excluding title). Remember to include the word count in the marking box on your cover page. You must type the word count into the marking box; do not hand write the word count. If you are under or over the word count, you w ill lose 0.5 marks. Failure to include the word count will result in a 1.0 point penalty.
The paragraph should have no literary devices and should meet the requirements for scientific writing. To do this,
select your words carefully,
capture the overall substance of what the literary passage describes;
make sure each w ord counts (conciseness),
be clear in what you intend to say (clarity),
include as much of the scientific information from the passage as possible (comprehensiveness).
stick to the facts you can glean from the passage (objectivity), and
be sure that what you write is true or factual, based on what the literary passage described (accuracy).
Place your scientific passage on p. 3 of your assignment.
Below you will find the literary passage you will need to complete Part 11 of the assignment, following the passage, you will find the SCIE 1111 cover page with explanatory notes, followed by three pages illustrating the assignment. What you submit will look similar to these three pages.

After the assignment example, I have included illustrated pages from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed., pp. 41- 47, 49). These pages show more detail on how to expand your template to accommodate additional components that will be included in later assignments. The highlighted notes refer to particular sections of the Manual that explain the requirement in more detail; you can borrow the Manual from the Reserve collection at the Killam library (2 hour within-libraiy loan) by asking for the book at the circulation desk.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Scientific Style - Washington Black
SCIE 1111
Assignment 1:
Banner ID
This paper represents my own words in accordance with the University regulation
Signature of Author
In the morning, Titch decided to climb, Corvus Peak, Washington to experiment, we collected the vasculum, required tools and measuring devices.
We went towards the sun-scorched fields, and I carried the wooden vasculum at my hip, and there were different vegetations. It was cooler as we approached the trees and the presence of insects meant we were nearer (Edugyan, 2018).
The trees thinned, and we moved towards the bottom of the hills. At the bottom of the Peak, I collected the grass and small leaf samples, which were placed in th...
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