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1 pages/≈275 words
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Describe Your Feelings About And Experiences With Writing

Essay Instructions:

Write a personal essay in which you describe your feelings about and experiences with writing. What writing experiences mattered most to you and why? How do you feel about writing? When and where did you write? What kind of papers did you write, what was their length, and how much did you revise them?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

My Feelings and Experience with Writing
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My Feelings and Experience with Writing
My writing story dates back to the days when I was in the third grade. I did my first writing prompt, but I was surprised that I scored the least in my group. I have always had a determination for learning, and even though my first experience with the essay prompt discouraged me, I had someone to guide me. Even though I had a passion for writing in primary and even after I graduated to high school, I later learned that the kind of papers I wrote were not academic papers. I cannot, however, underestimate my writing experience while in the primary and high school as it prepared me for academic writing.
When I joined college, my first task was to write a summary. I had not written a summary before, so I spent most of the time on the internet reading articles and any relevant source tha...
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