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Nurse Outcomes of Bedside Nursing Report Implementation

Essay Instructions:

Please use the articles below to write this paper and follow the instruction. Please make sure it is a full 2 pages.

An APA citation and a brief summary of the research article that you selected. Describe the data and the results of any statistical tests or analyses presented in the article. Explain how the researchers formulated their conclusion, any weaknesses in their analysis or conclusions, and offer at least one alternate interpretation of their data. Propose at least one additional research study that could be done to further investigate this research topic.


1) Article 1: A quantitative assessment of patient and nurse outcomes of bedside nursing report implementation by Sand-Jecklin K1, Sherman J.

2)Article 2: Investigating the bedside nursing report: a synthesis of the literature by Sherman J1, Sand-Jecklin K2, Johnson J1.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Review of articles ‘A Quantitative Assessment of Patient and Nurse Outcomes of Bedside Nursing Report Implementation’ and ‘Investigating Bedside Nursing Report: A Synthesis of the Literature.’
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A Quantitative Assessment of Patient and Nurse Outcomes of Bedside Nursing Report Implementation
This is an experimental survey to check the benefits and drawbacks of bedside report for both patients and nurses at different interval of times.
Nursing bedside report is relatively a new implementation hospitals are adopting. These reports have improved significantly with time regarding assessment. This report is of importance as it includes many factors related to bedside nursing report. On the contrary, previous studies include minimal data with no data interpretation while this study included a defined data.
Data and Result Interpretation
This is quasi-experimental design in which the survey is made to assess patients’ perception about nursing care completed by 233 patients and nurse about bedside reports completed by 148 nurses. It includes interpretation of results after implementation of bedside report at different time intervals such as post-implementation, after three months and after thirteen months (Sand-Jecklin & Sherman, 2014). Results showed improvement in patient health and care and nurse communication along with an increase in nurse accountability (Sand-Jecklin & Sherman, 2014). However, the drawbacks are reported by few included compromised privacy and nurses perceived these reports to be time-consuming, but data showed no increase in overtime of duty hours. The results improved at thirteen months interval showed incorporating of bedside report requires time.
Alternative Interpretation
The data showed different sample sizes for nurses and patients. ANOVA assesses the sample while data can be interpreted by other statistical tests as well like chi-square test.
The study showed improvement except for nurses perception of an increase in time which is not supported by an increase in overtime. Therefore, nursing bedside report has positive impact however less research has been done on this so far.
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