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Company Can Save A Significant Amount Of Money Through Telecommuting

Essay Instructions:

Please read the instruction that I uploaded, and the memo format should be look like the example of memo,

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
MEMORANDUM To: All Employees of Sickle Chain Organization From: The Chief Accountant Date: January 23rd, 2019 Subject: The Company can save a significant amount of money through telecommuting We are all aware that the country is presently experiencing hard times in its economy. Following consultations from the Company’s economic department as well as the State’s economic department, we are getting back the country’s economy to where it would take a while. As a company, we have discovered that efficiency can enable us to survive the hard economies. Due to the hard economic times, the purchasing power of our customers has dropped. For survival purposes, the Company needs to cut costs and to tighten up. I have worked in this Company for three decades and previously have experienced such an economic recession. During my career in this Company, I have conducted audits in other small business enterprises. In those audits, the owners of those enterprises asked me on how to run their businesses effectively. Solving these problems enabled me to come up with several ideas to survive an...
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