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Assessing the Danger a Student Might Present to Self and Others

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The frist writng like prewrite and this one is assignment.

And the story write normally please.

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Institution Affiliation
One afternoon, I sat gazing at the students who were learning from their classrooms in one of the school buildings in Florida. The day started well, and I had earlier planned to visit my brother who was in his final year at the institution. As I moved closer, I got interested in looking at what they were learning and what attracted me most was the serene environment for learning. The good picture reminded me of what my brother had once explained a good learning experience. It was a quiet environment that motivated and encouraged students to read for themselves. Other areas were also designed to provide space for students wishing to learn in groups and conduct assignments. Suddenly, I heard gunshots of guns in one of the buildings around the schools. The incident occurred at an unexpected time. I saw the policemen running all over the school compound as I sought safety near the classrooms.
The shootings occurred at around midday and extended for about thirty minutes. The event was so disturbing to the extent that I failed to recognize the place that the gunshot was taking place. However, I just remembered that it occurred near the classroom where I was heading, and the explosion had just occurred in the parking area next in the main library. The incident was followed by one of the most disturbing events when the police and security agencies came to rescue the students. The main focus of the rescue team was to identify the students injured and trace the patterns used by the perpetrator who was later established to have had depression worsened by the anger and frustration (Schildkraut et al., 2018).
Encountering shooting incidence is one of the most traumatizing events that any person can face. The process is worsened when people are directly affected by fatalities. A similar case happened to me during the day. Apart from creating a negative image, it also influenced the way I approached strangers. After the shooting had stopped, the police controlled the situation. Although the shooting process had taken a shorter period, it was evident that fatalities were more than expended and this was evident when the police confirmed on the number of dead bodies that all covered with blood. Having taken an earlier walk through the environment before the incident, I moved to a scene with the aim of helping the injured. However, another most disturbing and discouraging incidence occurred. My feelings and the attitude toward the environment changed, especially after seeing the students calling for help while others were helpless with heavy bleeding and serious injuries. Having had a few pieces of training on first aid, I managed to help the rescuing personnel and moving the affected students to the help. By then the paramedic and other first responders had arrived at the scene, and this made it easier to save more people and deliver the right first aid procedures to the injured students.
My aid to the students was swift, especially having had the support of the officers. However, it was not until I came in contact with the body of my brother whom I was visiting that everything changed. Although he had minor injuries at his chest, it was clear that he could hardly survive since his heart rate was meager. Having introduced myself to the officers in the first scene, they came to my immediate help to deliver every help with minimal success. The process, therefore, ended up very negatively with a negative image of the venue and the whole constitution. After the hospital encounter where we had supportive medical personnel accompanied by other social workers, my brother recovered fully, and this created a new opportunity for explaining significant events that happened after the attack. After physical recovery, he showed substantial symptoms and flashback of the traumatic scene, and this called for another chance where he underwent major mental treatment such as counseling and psychotherapy both at the hospital and home. Most of his studies were interested. It also contri...
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