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Vendler's Analysis on Emily Dickinson's Work

Essay Instructions:

Please use the style of Vendler's essay analyzing Dickinson's essay( attached) and write a short Vendleresque essay on the poem attached (Venus in Miami Beach). Use Vendler's essays on Dickinson as guidance and inspiration and remember what we learned together in class about effective organization. Your essay should address the literal scenario, the division into structural parts and at least two other inquiries that are especially illuminating for the poem. Remember to support your claims (about tone, imagination, division into parts) with analysis of relevant literary techniques (metaphor and other figures, diction, connotation, tense, grammar, sentence structure, etc.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Vendler on Dickinson
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Vendler is a famous critic and professor, who has written about various people, including Wallace Stevens, W.B. Yeats, John Keats, and Emily Dickinson. In Dickinson: Selected Poems and Commentaries, Vendler praises the 1,600 poems written by top poets in history. The charm of Venus in Miami Beach lies in the fact that the writer speaks of her mind and conveys emotions without any hesitations. For instance, at a point, she sheds light on the lifestyle of Emily and writes that “she arises, steps toward the shore with the temperament of a bride.” Vendler calls Emily Dickinson one of the best and most proficient people in history and uses different literary techniques to make things clear.
The most significant li...
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