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Federalist v. Antifederalist Papers. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Examine the writings of the Federalist and Antifederalist Parties in light of the historical context of the late eighteenth century. Within your essay please include specific, primary content from the course text and at least two Federalist and/or Antifederalist Papers.

An introduction.

How do Federalists and Antifederalists plan to organize the federal government?

Based on your academic understanding of federalism which party would you align yourself with? Why?

Support your answer(s) with information obtained from the text and at least two Federalist and/or Anti-Federalist essays.

A conclusion.

Correct grammar and syntax.

APA Format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Federalist and Anti-Federalist Literature Analysis
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The American Civil War of the 1800s has caused immense sufferings to all Americans. This war has been perpetrated by the difference in sociopolitical ideologies and beliefs of Americans during those times CITATION RAmnd \l 1033 (Ramos, n.d.). Specifically, it was a battle fought between the two divisions, Federalists and anti-Federalists, with regards to whether the system has to be changed or remain as it is. On the one hand, it was the Federalists who wanted to change the system by establishing a strong Federal government CITATION Bri16 \l 1033 (Britannica.com, 2016). A central authority that would impose its own rules, including taxes that each citizen should comply with. On the other hand, it is the anti-federalists who wanted the system to remain as it is. This is due to the fear that civil liberties could be endangered due to these proposed changes. In turn, it is due to this opposition that the Bill of Rights was then added to the American constitution. While most would believe that these differences are most apparent in the policies and the sayings of the people leading each faction, it must also be noted that there are also other mediums at which these differences could be seen. In this article, this difference would be analyzed based on the writings of different personalities coming from each ideology. An analysis of the underlying themes and ideas would be presented in the succeeding chapters. In line with all of these, the author believes that he is inclined more towards each of the factions. He believes that while unification is crucial, it must be done in such a way that would not deprive anyone of their rights and liberties.
Federalist vs Anti-Federalists Ideologies
The Federalist papers is composed of 85 essays that talks about the proposition of the new constitution. In one of these essays (Federalist No. 54) that seeks to build a unified nation, James Madison said that CITATION Lilnd \l 1033 (Lillian Goldman Law Library, n.d.),
If these states should either be wholly disunited, or only united in partial confederacies, a man must be far gone in Utopian speculations, who can seriously doubt that the subdivisions into which they might be thrown, would have frequent and violent contests with each other.
The above quote suggests that the main reason that the Federalists wanted to establish a unified nation is in order to make sure that peace and harmony would be ensured through a unified state. It is worth noting how Madison suggest that fragility of a disunited and partial confederacy, for a single ‘speculation’ (or misunderstanding) could easily lead to a conflict between each of the states. Consequently, this brings into mind the maxim that says ‘united we stand, divided we fall.’ One that emphasizes that unity is the key to the nation&rsq...
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