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Reasons for Pursuing Business Major at University of Illinois at Chicago

Essay Instructions:

Please provide an essay that explains why you chose your intended program of study. What interests you the most about this major? If Undecided, what areas of study do you look forward to studying in college?

(university of illinois at chicago)

PS: I chose business as my major. ( 500 words Max)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

College Application Essay
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Business is one of the practical choices to major in as a course in college as it gives one a wide range of opportunities both in the corporate world and in kicking off as an entrepreneur. Virtually, every organization out there irrespective of what industry they belong, rely on robust business principles to remain competitive in this fast-paced business world. Business as a course provides candidates with relevant practical skills needed to not only excel in the wide assortment of positions in these organizations but also start their businesses. As a business enthusiast, I believe that all my reasons share a common goal of graduating with a good degree in a good business school like the University of Illinois at Chicago where I will be better poised to enhance the quality of my life in such a fruitful and rewarding career.
I choose to study business at the UIC because it is considered to produce the finest and competitive graduates for top jobs in the borough and also in the whole of the U.S. According to the U.S. News & World Report, the UIC college of business was ranked number one in Chicago and 56 overall across the country among all accredited undergraduate business schools in the U.S....
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