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Impact of rural environment. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Essay 2.

Complete the required text reading “Hillbilly Elegy: A memoir of a family and clutlure in crisis”. Write a reflective essay that discusses the impact of the rural environment on the family within the memoir. Specifically discuss how the following are impacted based upon the family’s rural location and its circumstances: family relationships, income, health, financial and social status, and community relationships. Additionally, identify at least 2 common characteristics between the family in the text and the family you assessed for class that negatively impact well-being. Be sure to discuss how rurality is related to these 2 common characteristics. Finally, as a nurse working in a rural environment discuss at least 1 strategy to address each of the 2 common characteristics. This reflective essay should be 1,000-1,300 words with a minimum of 3 references

please essay is due on 21st can you kindly make sure is uploaded by 7am NY so i can look through before submitting . you can get the summary of the book online. please let me know if you have any questions

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impact of a Rural Environment
Impact of a Rural Environment
The ‘Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of Family and Culture in Crisis’ is a story that provides insight into the lives of white, poor individual who lives in a community surrounded by the working class. The story enables the readers to obtain a deep understanding of the circumstance such people face every day. The plot explores the effects of poverty, with specification on the outcomes experienced in family relationships, income, health, financial and social status, and interrelationships in a community. Another matter of interest is the characteristics common of such families that arise from the influence of a countryside atmosphere, which have a negative influence on the wellness of the social unit. Such issues need the intervention of qualified personnel for the proper well-being of the affected individuals. The essay provides a summative outlook on the impact of a rural environment in such communities described in the story.
There are two major observations one can make concerning various aspects of the kind of lifestyles experienced in such communities. The culture has a way of ensuring children are entrapped in a vicious cycle of hardship at the bottom of the society (Kotkin, 2017). First, people have less exposure and access to economic opportunities. A factor that contributes to the situation is exclusion from religious and civic organizations that provide aid by nurturing potential in economic aspects. The startup economy does little to support the growth of industries such as logistics, transportation, and biotechnology, which have the potential for growth. The result is that locals lack good sources of livelihood and fail to experience the dignity that arises from satisfactory labor. Industries have capitalized on the part of the digital economy but have not revolutionized other industries of the like of manufacturing, retail, agriculture, and trucking. Secondly, there are concerns about drugs and substance abuse (Kotkin, 2017). Such areas experience high rates of mental health issues and dependence on opioids. Individuals that manage to escape the cycle of poverty tend to forget their roots as each loses the connection to the culture and geography the individuals came from. Other people on the outside of such communities classify such areas as dilapidated wastelands that people work hard to escape from and create new realities. Once the individuals who escape from the harsh realities of the culture move on to better lifestyles, the group forgets to give back to the societies by making efforts to rehabilitate the lifestyles.
Scholars of social relationships have coined the term ‘culture of poverty’ to describe such lifestyles. The term describes the inability to experience economic progress even when institutions of power develop social programs to assist individuals in such communities (The Pages, 2014). Observations of the cycle indicate that children who grow up in poverty adapt to the values and norms of the culture, and replicate the same in their lives as they grow up. Structural inequalities contribute to the lifestyle. Individuals in such communities become hopeless due to the lack of economic opportunities, and face traumas that remain unresolved for a long time. Most people could not recognize the opportunities in the environment, so the areas experiencing poverty have high concentrations of the affliction (The Pages, 2014). The rates of underemployment and unemployment are high, and people depend on welfare support. Most families consist of single mothers, and the rates of divorce are high. Many married couples who manage to sustain the marriages tend to remain childless. The cycle has a stronghold because people tend to believe that each person has similar exposure to opportunities, which is a false perception. In a society composed of two groups of people who are well off and those who are not, discrimination is a commonplace scenario. Each group has different cultures and norms, and the well off tend to look down on the poor and choose to rationalize the poverty by declaring that the poor refuse and fail to take advantage of the opportunities they have. The treatment individuals in each group receive is different because of the position each group occupies in the structure of the society.
Families that live in poverty in rural areas have two common characteristics that have a negative impact on the wellness o...
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