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Themed Paper

Essay Instructions:
Writing Guide: To receive a full grade you must follow ALL of the directions. You may NOT be able to resubmit corrections. Please follow all of the directions. If you do not follow ALL of the directions 25% will be deducted from your paper If you quote you will get a 1/100 on this assignment, even if your quote is only 3 words long. DO NOT QUOTE! Paraphrase everything in new and unique vocabulary words. If you plagiarize you will get a 3/100 on this assignment even if it is an accident, and even if you do not understand the definition of plagiarism. You will NOT have a chance to resubmit even if it was an accident or you worked really hard. Paraphrase everything in new and unique words. Please review Canvas and the syllabus for TCC’s and course’s definition of plagiarism. Forgetting/failing to cite, incorrect citations, and not fully paraphrasing are all forms of plagiarism. These will receive a grade of 3/100 and the student’s paper will be submitted to the college for academic dishonesty. Please remember to paraphrase and to cite. Canvas may allow phone submissions, but these do not work the submission must be full and complete. Do not use your phone to submit assignments. Canvas submissions of the full paper MUST be in PDF or .doc or .docx. No other files will be accepted for this assignment. Do NOT submit a link to Google Docs or another website. Web submissions will not be accepted or graded. AI and peer review paragraph submissions should also be through PDF or .doc or .docx. with images showing work and progress pasted in the document. Your paper outline is already written below, you simply need to copy and paste it to a document, fill out this outline and then make your paper in essay format. Keep in mind that the reader/grader will not see the questions, so you need to write your paper as if the questions are unknown to the reader. You do not have to answer every single question listed in the sections, but try to address most of them. Let me be very clear, this paper can have NO NO NO quotes. EVERYTHING must be paraphrased and cited. Paper content rules: Paper Grading Rubric -if you followed the rules: 10% Grammar and writing style 30% Fully cover and understand all reading material 40% Tons of details and examples 20% Pull out themes from the reading showing you have synthesized it Paper Assignment Summary: STEP 1: Pick 1 of the Topic Choices STEP 2: Go through all of the sources under the topic.Optional means optional. STEP 3: Write a paper about several themes that you noticed throughout the reading. This paper assignment is probably different than other papers you have written, so I have included an example paper for you to get an idea of what this looks like. I do not want an introduction paragraph or a conclusion paragraph. You will choose one of the culture options in the module and write a mini-research reaction paper on that culture using all of the readings provided for that culture. The paper should have 5-8 paragraphs (500-1000 words which is 1-2 pages single-spaced). Each paragraph should talk about a different theme/idea/topic from the readings. For example, you may have a paragraph on gender, another paragraph on war, another paragraph on architecture, art, seafaring, natural disasters, religion, etc. You can choose these themes based on what you read. You need to make sure you are avoiding summary of the reading. Instead show that you have synthesized the content. Each paragraph should talk about a theme you noticed in more than one of the readings and that means you should have citations from more than one source in each paragraph. The paper should be content and detail rich with no fluff, repetition, or summary. Practice brevity. Please remember the definition and difference between a primary and secondary source <linked Your themed paragraph could be broad like: Egyptians infused religion in all aspects of life. Religious example 1. Religious example 2. Religious example 3, 4, 5, etc. Your paragraph theme could be narrow like: Akhenaten’s religious practices were abnormal, offensive, and broke Ma’at. Example of Akhenaten religious abnormalities. Examples of how Akhenaten offended. Examples Akhenaten breaking Ma'at. *But remember, even in a narrow theme, I’d like to see examples from across several sources. Suggested Paper Outline (in your paper, you will not include paragraph headers or numbering. This is an outline. Paragraph 1: 1. State the theme in 1 sentence. 2. Give several examples from multiple sources of where and how you saw the theme. -use examples from more than 1 reading. (Cite at end of sentences) -everything in this paragraph should have something to do with the theme. If not cut it or move it to a different theme. Paragraph 2: 1. State the theme in 1 sentence. 2. Give several examples from multiple sources of where and how you saw the theme. -use examples from more than 1 reading. -everything in this paragraph should have something to do with the theme. If not cut it or move it to a different theme. Paragraphs 3-5 same formula as paragraph 1 and 2. What I would like to see is lots of examples that show your theme and no summary about the culture. But, overall from the themes and examples you pick, I should be able to see you went through and understood the sources provided. What is a theme and what the heck does this look like? Each paragraph tells all about 1 theme you noticed throughout several of the readings. Here are some examples of themes: Treatment of Women, The Laws, Religion, Transition of Power, Technology etc. Anything can be a theme. So each of those could be a paragraph. Each paragraph starts with a sentence that says what the theme is. Then, for the rest of the paragraph you give a bunch of examples from several of the readings of where you saw that theme and what it looks like. The purpose of the reaction paper is to show me that you read and considered the entire reading assignment. Your papers will address ALL of the assigned primary and secondary sources from the culture folder you choose. Read and take notes on ALL of the files/sources in the folder unless it is marked "Optional" Avoid summarizing the material. Instead of summarizing, look for 2-4 themes in the reading. For example, women, religion, class struggle, and war are all themes you may see in the reading. There are more! Your paper paragraphs should be written about themes, NOT summarizing each reading. That means each paragraph should have citations from multiple readings. ALWAYS give examples to prove your statements. Give TONS of details and examples from the reading, all with citations!!! All authors of the assigned reading must be cited. Do not use OUTSIDE SOURCES. Only use what is provided, and use all sources within the folder. Let me be very clear, this paper can have NO NO NO quotes. EVERYTHING must be paraphrased in your own words. When you paraphrase and give examples you should give a correct citation at the end of the sentence citing the information you used. Citations: 3 citations per paragraph MINIMUM. Each paragraph should have citations from more than one source. This will likely be true for all your future papers, ever. However, because these short papers are extra dense with content, you will likely have more citations per paragraph to fully discuss the theme and sources. You need to cite at the end of the sentence(s) by hyperlinked title and page number parenthetically like this, (Title Hyperlink, 222). You can use a shortened title ( that means the first 3-4 word of the title). Book titles are italicized. All other titles (chapter or article titles) go in quotation marks. If your sentence used more than 1 source you can cite both in one parenthetical reference like this, (Title 1, 222; “The Other Title,” 88). ALL assigned readings must be included and cited. You do not need to include the access date. Format and Grammar: You must use THIS writing guide. 25% off of your grade if you do not. No cover page please. No headers please. Please do not put your name or date or any other information in the top left corner or on a header that follows each page. Your paper can start with your title. Please title your paper with the name of your topic, for example: Eygpt or Mycenaean Greeks No bibliography, or work cited page is needed. (USE IN-TEXT CITATIONS -same format as the EoMEQ assignments) Your paper should be 500-1000 words aproximately 1-2 pages single spaced. This means you need to cover a lot of content in a short paper. Here is how to do that: Unlike most papers you have written, please DO NOT include an intro or conclusion paragraph. Use your space wisely, write concise but with detail. Practice rephrasing your writing your sentences to pack greater content into less words. Avoid repetition and vague or unclear language. Do not worry about the length initially, put down all the good content and details, then practice making your words concise. An easy way to do this is to switch from passive to active voice. (Passive uses being verbs like a, is, was, were, etc. Example of passive voice: The Cherokee were kicked out by the US settlers. Active Voice: US settlers displaced the Cherokee . Passive voice used 9 words to say while active voice and superior vocabulary used 5). Papers should be single-spaced. How to space in Word. How to space in Google Docs. Double check that you do not have 1.15 or 1.5 spacing, and make sure that you do not have space between paragraphs. Font must be Times New Roman, 12 Point Font. How to in Word. How to in Google Docs. Paper must have a 1” Margin. How to in Word. How to in Google Docs. Use formal language which means no jargon or contractions. This also means only using third person (that means you cannot use the words: I, me, we, or you). Formal language requires spelling out numbers less than 100 except for dates and page numbers. Example: In 33 CE, there were ninety-nine sheep and one goat which made 100 animals, (Foust, 23). No quotes allowed, everything must be paraphrased in your own words. However, you must give citations even when you paraphrase. Do not directly quote. Paraphrase and then cite the paraphrased sentence(s) in parenthese. Citations always go after the sentence(s) that use the content. Paraphrased means using your own unique vocabulary words, not just rearranging the author’s words. When you paraphrase and give examples, give a citation at the end of the last sentence in a row that used the information or the last sentence of the paragraph, whichever comes first. Papers are submitted on Canvas. Submissions will only be accepted as PDFs or .doc or .docx through Canvas. Do not type or paste your paper into Canvas because you will get 25% off for formatting. I cannot accept email submissions or submissions anywhere other than Canvas. Links to Google Docs are also not acceptable. You must download and save with the correct format. If you use Pages or Google Docs “save as” PDF. If you do not know how, Google “how to save as PDF.” For Macs, “save as” a PDF by hitting Command + Shift + S No email submissions. If you have a tech issue contact support ticket and submit an absent report form (Module 0) by the due date. You will still be expected to upload your work on Canvas within 24 hours to receive a grade for the assignment. Contact for Tech Support is here.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Asian Civilization Human migration occurred during the Pleistocene since Homo erectus emerged in East Asia. Early man often migrated in search for food and shelter as he advanced from a primitive form to a complex and sophisticated being (Stunkel, p.2). East Asia provided conducive habitat for early man to thrive because of the abundant animals and food (Stunkel, p.2). Fossils extracted in East Asia indicated the prevalence of early man hence it indicates that early man migrated from areas like Africa. For instance, Chinese paleontologist Otto Zdansky discovered fossils that belonged to a Peking man (Stunkel, p.2). The anatomical form of the Peking man contained similarity with the modern human form. Thus, indicating that the human migration to China played a crucial role in advancement of early man to the modern day man. Art gained prominence in the prehistoric Asia because of the finely crafted artifacts depicting different cultures and historical periods. Potters wheels exhibited elaborate drawings which depicted the artistic prowess of people in Shanghai. For instance, the xiongnu gold plaque depicted the great artistic prowess of the Asians (Stunkel, p.42). The art demonstrated the agricultural wealth of the ancient nomadic people. Jade plaque encompassed the use of a revered material and great craftsmanship to produce the artifact (Stunkel, p.4). Pottery spread quickly from one Asian community to another (Stunkel, p.34). Sculptures such as the Buddha Amitabha demonstrated the artists’ prowess since the monumental sculpture exhibited anatomical features of a monk (Chapter 15, p.117). Borobudur art depicted Buddhism beliefs that entailed the different cosmological tiers. Music instruments demonstrated different art forms in Asia. For instance, some dancing girls gained favor from an emperor. Dancers demonstrated different techniques such as regional styles to appease leaders during wars. Musical instruments like pear-shaped plucked lute, flutes and cymbals incorporated through dance spread the Asian culture. Agrarian revolution led to the practice of crop cultivation which gained momentum in different areas. Rice cultivation spread rapidly as common practices such as use of reaping knives gained popularity among different communities. The end of Jomon period marked a new beginning for Japan since rice had fully grown (Stunkel, p.10). Different types of rice grew in different areas depending on areas that it flourished well. Rice growing meant that an area exhibited fertility and prosperity thus, its popularity grew near and far. During the Shang dynasty, millet consumption made it a staple food for the people (Stunkel, p.12). Rice cultivation ensured economic growth of the prehistoric Asian...
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