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The United States constitution

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The US Constitution

The United States constitution
The constitution of the U.S is the oldest federal constitution. It explains the primary function of the federal government. It further describes the three arms of the federal government and their functions. It was signed in 1787 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The constitution has 7 chapters and all of them advocate for justice and promote general well being of the people of the U.S.
Chapter 1
It states that the congress shall consist of the senate and the House of Representatives and all legislative authority shall be vested in it. Members of House of Representatives shall be selected after every two years by the people and the electors will have to meet the qualifications. For a person to be a representative, he/she shall be 25 years old and have been a citizen of the United States for seven years. When elected, h/she shall not reside in the state which h/she is representing. Representatives and taxes shall be divided among the states. The senate will have 2 senators from each state and they will be selected by the legislature. The minimum age of one to be elected as the senator will be 30 years and seven years as citizen of the country. The deputy president will be head of the senate and will have no vote except if they are evenly divided. The senate has the whole power to prosecute and they will be required to take an oath. However, if the president is prosecuted, the chief justice will take over. For one to be convicted, two thirds of the members have to concur.
In addition, place, time and way of electing senators and representatives shall be set by the legislature though the congress might alter the law at times. The congress shall hold meetings every year in December unless the law changes the day. Every House of Representatives shall judge the elections and returns and check the qualifications of its members. Every house has the right to decide on the rules of its procedures and discipline its members for bad behavior and a member may be expelled if one third of the members concur. Each house is required to keep a record of its proceedings and publish but not to include the private sections. Both the senators and the representatives will be compensated for their work. They shall not be subjected to arrest except in cases of crime, breach of peace and treason.
When one is elected in office h/she shall not be elected in a civil office. Bills for revenue generation shall come from the House of Representatives but the senate has the right to oppose or propose them. However, the congress has the power to collect taxes, excises, duties and imposts and also pay debts and cater for the well being of the people. No ...
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