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The fundamental law of the United States federal government is defined by the constitution. It establishes the three major branches of the federal government by providing the specifications of their jurisdiction. Majorly, it outlines the US citizens` basic rights. It is considered to be one of the oldest national constitutions in written form. This constitution clearly stresses the need of the government to uphold the rule of law. It was adopted in 1787, September 17 in Philadelphia through the Constitutional Convention. Later on, each state ratified it by special conventions.
The constitution`s preamble is a clear indication on what it is grounded on and what it stands for; it intends to ensure peace and unity, rule of law, citizens` protection, liberty, and enhanced welfare of the people of the United States. It has seven articles with each containing sections and subsections that provide essential details of the articles. Article 1 establishes the legislative branch of the government. Section 1 names the Legislature branch as The Congress which is a two- part body- bicameral which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Section 2 terms the House of Representatives as the Congress` lower house. Members of this house shall be elected every two years by qualified electors of several states. It provides the requisite requirements for one to be a member of the house namely; one must have attained the age of twenty- five, and been the United States citizen for at least seven years. The members choose their Speaker and other Officers, and have powers to impeach them. Section 3 defines the Senate as the upper house. It provides minimum qualifications requirements. It provides that The Senate shall be comprised of two Senators from each State who are chosen by the Legislature for six years; where they shall be divided equally into three Classes. After the Expiration of the second Year, the first Class shall be vacated, the second Class after Expiration of the fourth Year, and the third Class after the Expiration of the sixth Year. Each Senator shall have one vote. US Vice President is the Senate`s President but with no vote unless when members are equally divided. The Senate has all impeachment powers. Section 4 describes the manner, places and time of holding Representatives and Senators elections. Section 5 specifies the quorums and rules involved in it, in addition to provisions of proceedings and penalties regarding deviations from the provisions. It further provides on rules of adjournment. Section 6 prescribes the compensation for services of the Representatives and Senators. It also discusses the privileges enjoyed in respective houses and exceptions as well. Section 7 establishes that all Bills relating to revenue originates from lower house but the Senate may concur or propose amendments. Additionally, it outlines the law- making process. Section 8 outlines power of the Congress to lay and collect Imposts, Taxes, Excises, and Duties, and to pay Debts, in addition to providing for the US general welfare and for the common defense. Certain limits on Congress are established in Section 9 especially in regard to money. Section 10 provides several prohibitions to States such as taxing other states` goods.
Article 2 defines the Executive, the second branch of government. Section 1 establishes the President`s and Vice- President`s offices and set a four years term for them. It has provisions on how the president is elected and the requisite qualifications for presidential candidates. The powers of the president are established in section 2 of the article. Section 3 establishes the president`s duties. Section 4 discusses the impeachment of the president, vice president...
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