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PS: Synopsis of the U.S. Constitution

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Running Head: A Synopsis of the U.S. Constitution
A Synopsis of the U.S. Constitution
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A historical look on the constitution from 1787 to the era of war on terror
The American constitution is held by all scholars as the bane of constitution making. This is more so because it happens to be one of the oldest written constitutions. As the world grapples with wide-ranging problems, the US constitution is always used as a yardstick from which such problems can be resolved. However, amidst all this, many pertinent issues about how this constitution came to be are ignored and a minimalist notion of a perfect constitution continues being propagated. This perspective is myopic and steers away from the analytical grounds that every study should take. This paper seeks to take a walk through history and look at the germane focal point that made the American constitution what it is and more so, to indicate that is not a document bound temporal spectrum but an ever changing one.
In 1787, the United States comprised 13 states and the prominent men from these states met in Washington city to chart a way forward for the blossoming country. There were many deliberations as was expected with very many scholarly voices each trying to defend their states’ interests. Eventually, a compromise was made but more needed to be done to assuage all states thus ensuring unanimous vote. This marked the birth of the American constitution as we know it today. However, more insight into the document warranted the inclusion of a Bill of Rights which the people felt would give every individual a pathway to progress and freedom. The document that was formulated in 1791 including the preamble and the Bill of rights is perceived by scholars as the onset of the constitutionalism in the US. The preamble clearly gave the constitutional power to the people and the emphasis is seen in the actual first words “We the people of the United Stets of America.”
The constitution was divided into seven articles each designating an important aspect of governance and the laws therein to avoid nay conflicts in the future. The first article touches on the separation of powers between the main bodies of government. These branches include the legislative arm, the executive and the judiciary. The legislature comprises the congress is recognized as a two house body with the senate and the House of representative. The executive consists of the president, the vice president, cabinet and other departments. On the other hand, the judiciary was designated to be led by the supreme court. The other powers that are separated in the acts include state and federal powers. Such issues were important to highlight especially due to the haring of resources a fact that was bound to bring conflict if not resolved at the incipient stages. The final art...
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