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'Death in the woods' by Anderson

Essay Instructions:
Some would argue that the narrator of Anderson's “Death in the Woods” did not really experience the narrative that he relates—i.e., that he fabricated it out of bits and pieces of his memories. In a detailed essay, argue why we should or should not interpret the story of the old woman as the narrator's fabrication. As part of your argument, you should assert why it matters for the story's meaning that the narrator either does or does not fabricate the tale. For all options, you will need to use detailed examples from the stories in question–i.e., include specific passages from the story and explain how that passage proves/illustrates your point. Do NOT use the topic's questions as the basis for your organization. Remember that when writing a comparative analysis, you must do more than merely point out similarities and differences.
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“Death in the woods” by Anderson
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Reasons why we should interpret the story of the old woman in the “Death in the woods” as narrator’s fabrication
The story of the old woman can be said to be narrator’s own fabrication. The narrator of the story, “Death in the woods”, Sherwood Anderson, experience the events because the story is in first person narrative hence we should interpret the story of the old woman as the work of the narrator and that he witnessed it but he could not write the story at that time because of his age but fabricates it later as he tries to remember what happened. I can say that Anderson knew the old woman because from the passage, he tells us that the woman lived in a farm near the town where he resided (Anderson, 2004).
This short story is narrated by Sherwood Anderson and was first published in 1924. The narrator tries to explain death and its connection to other lives. He is trying to seek meaning and splendor in lives of common people. Anderson makes efforts to organize his memories and get meaning out of them. He continues to tell us that Mrs. Grimes was left by her parent when she was young and was employed by a German but later got married to Jake Grimes. She was later abused by her husband and son and got the same treatment she got from the German master together with his wife.
The narrator is trying to fabricate his memories since in the story, he says that he was young when the old woman died and it was later that he decided to write the story in his own version because he found that his brother who narrated the story after they saw the body, did not do it well and did not explain all the occurrences. According to Anderson (2004), the brother was also young and could not get the point. The narrator was not capable of understanding the events surrounding the life and the death of the old woman as he was young when all these occurred. From the story we learn that the writer did not understand what was happening at the time because he says that he actually did not say anything meaning he was a bit naive to comprehend anything. The narrator had experienced the life of the woman because he eve...
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