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The Belonging Writing Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

Read the article first and Write two page on your interpretation and analysis on ONE of the topic "belonging of home" .

Academic Writing Use formal tone and language- No "I or "You" Write a main idea in your introduction that shows your opinion Blend in a quote from one of our authors to support your opinions.

Use the most easily grammer and words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Belonging of Home
Focusing on the future is a step to reveal new things in life. Being on the front line to leave behind the past is a sacrifice that can be made by a person willing to face a reality. The geographical setting of an individual can be an obstruction to understanding new life capabilities in other parts of the world. Letting what is less important hold a person back will definitely be a cause to this failure in exploring new things.
However, there are things that should be put into consideration before transforming into a new life. Holding back the past of a person would affect the present in a great way. According to Edward Said, “the cultural critic who suggests that if one wishes to transcend his provincial and national limits, one should not reject attachments to the past but work through them.” (Lam, 2005). This means that the background-attachment of a person is very important in their lives. Rejection of attachments that really matter to a person would have the consequences which can be long term and affect the peace of an individual. This is a drawback and a person should consider the best ways to handle the background influences.
Families are important in the lives of many people. Most people depend on family for their feeling of belonging. Having a family is the primary setting of an individual’s life. People in a family really matter a lot. Their presence and absence should be accepted by the individuals who are present for each other in the family (Lam, 2005). For persons who travel or move away from their families, there are the forces that pull them and remind them of their families. There are cases where family members alive dream with the dead members. In most cases, this is considered to be communication between the person and the soul of the dead family member. This shows the connection between family members...
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