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Health Management Information Language

Essay Instructions:

In 1,000 to 1,250 word paper, briefly describe each of the following terms and their relationship to each other:

Community health information network (CHIN)

Regional health information organization (RHINO)

National health information network (NHIN)

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act)

Once you have defined the terms and their relationship to each other, explain their relationship to the development of a patient-centered management system and electronic health records (EHRs).

You are required to use three qualified references in addition to your textbook for this paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Health Management Information Language Name Institution Community Health Information Network (CHIN) CHIN is an integrated collection of telecommunication and computer capabilities to aid multiple providers, related healthcare institutions, payers, and employers in a certain geographic region to share and communicate payment, client, and clinical information. It allows the universal implementation of communication that links physicians and hospitals. For patients, it reduces redundancy in terms of tests and exams, lowers the costs of care, facilitating continuity of care, and promotes knowledgeable choice. For healthcare providers, it improves care quality, builds a competitive advantage, reduces the isolation of rural providers, manages the costs of therapy, and reduces litigation exposure (Blum, 2012). Regional Health Information Organization (RHIO) RHIO is a team of organizations in a specific region sharing electronic information that is related to healthcare based on HIT (Health Information Technology) standards. It oversees information exchange among diverse provider settings, government agencies, and payers. The key components of RHIO are electronic medical records, and electronic health records for healthcare professionals, personal health records for individual patients, and health information exchange needed to facilitate electronic communication among involved entities. RHIO supports health information exchange to ensure that a patient’s clinical data follow him electronically from one healthcare organization to another. This way, it reduces the costs of care and improves the quality of provided care (Adler-Milstein, Landefeld & Jha, 2010). National Health Information Network (NHIN) NHIN was established in 2004 under ONC (the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology) to improve efficiency and quality of care by ensuring an effective mechanism of health information exchange worldwide. As a result, it acts as a convention to provide a foundation for the safe exchange of health information thus supporting meaningful use. This way, it involves technical, service level, policy, and data use agreements as well as other related agreements to enable safe data exchange either between two different healthcare organizations in a region or across the country. NHIN participants support a common set of data content and web services to enable interoperable, private, and secure communication of health information among participants within the public Internet. This operates with a trust model used to bridge diverse group of private and public entities. The trust models act as a foundation for security and privacy obligations, governance, and accountability within varying federal, local, and state laws and policies. By combing a trust model, validation process, and technical services, health information is securely exchanged (HealthIT, 2016). Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) This was an Act created in 2009 to encourage adoption of EHR and other supporting technologies in the US. It was also signed to expand notifications of data breach and thus ensure the protection of electronic protected health information. The HITECH Act has four subtitles namely promotion of health information technology (HIT), testing of HIT, grants and loan funding, and privacy. After enacting of HITECH, it was stipulated that healthcare providers who would demonstrate meaningful use of EHRs would be offered financial incentives until 2015 while those who fail to do the same after 2015 would be subjected to time penalties. Among the major benefits of HITECH was increased in EHR adoption. Also, it increased the security and privacy provisions included in HIPAA. With this Act, healthcare organizations were not the only ones held responsible for security breaches, but also service providers and their business associated (ASHA, 2018). Relationship of the Terms According to Blum (2012), CHIN, RHIO, NHIN, and HITECH Act are related in that they are about expanding or encouraging the adoption of EHRs. They fit in the current healthcare provision in which informatics technology is the order of the day. They are meant to ensure the efficient and effective exchange of ...
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