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Classification Essay Leadership Positions Powers

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Compare three types of brands

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Classification Essay.
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The world of today is full of diversity. The systems that are used by different countries often depend on their past experiences, their geographical positions not forgetting their cultures. The leadership and powers exercised today vary. Every nation adopts a system of governance that suites them. This paper outlines in brief, the different governmental systems in the world.
The federal system to begin with, is actually a government with division of power usually between the national central government and the local states governments. Very distinct rules of what the state government can and cannot do, in relation to the national government, are set. State governments cannot make their own currency, maintain a military wing or even sign treaties with other states but can generate and collect their own revenue, create bylaws and even manage the fire, rescue and police departments. These are left to the national government. This system works well in large countries with diversity but a very common culture like Canada or the United States of America.
Secondly, take a look at the monarchy. This government is based on total and undivided sovereignty or rule to a single person. Usually, it’s the king or the queen who head this government. The leadership is hereditary, passed on from father to son after the death of the former. This system is not only a political-administrative post but also has a ‘courts society’ which connects the various royal h...
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