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Poem Analysis: Treatise on Purgatory

Essay Instructions:

Summarize the poem for me and get some ideas from you about this poem. It is for my oral presentation. Please be clear and not too much hard vocals. And also if u can find the original one just compare with them. If there is no original one its ok.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Poem Analysis Author Name Institution Affiliation The theme of the first chapter of Treatise on Purgatory is that the state of all souls who are in Purgatory is uncertain. They are exempt from all self-love and cannot change their positions until or unless God permits them to do so. This may raise several questions in your regarding what purgatory is. Purgatory is actually a state in which the physical death of a person takes place, but the soul does not die until the process of its purification is not completed. Roman Catholic doctrine holds that it is possible to ease and speed up the process of a soul’s purification through prayers of the living. Another way to provide comfort to the body and the soul after our death is that we should do ...
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