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Associating and Establishing a Relationship with a Friend

Essay Instructions:

Professor did not give any info, just choose your topic would be fine i guess

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Narrative-A relationship that changed your life
There is no doubt that friends can have an impact on someone’s life. The influence may either be positive or negative and is generally determined by the kind of people that an individual surrounds him or herself with. It is also important to note that friends also have a huge impact on deciding where an individual’s life will take him or her. Personally, I believe that my best friend played a role in shaping the kind of person I have become. Ever since we started our relationship I have been on a path to success.
Two years before meeting her, I was a trouble maker and I regularly broke all the rules that I never favored me. All my girlfriends who I interacted with and spend time together were famous because of their undesirable attitudes as well as partying habits. I saw them destroy their life because of the bad decisions they made and I believe that moving away from them made me become a more focused and a better person. During the time that spent with these girls, I disregarded all the principles I had set about my life and I would stay out past midnight. I also conducted parties without my parent’s approval and did not care what the consequences were.
Luckily, I was cautious enough not to give in to some of the activities which the girls found fun such as smoking pot, drinking constantly and also ditching sc...
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