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To Become a Leader in the Field of Finance or Economics

Essay Instructions:

Statement of academic purpose (500 to 750 words):
The statement of academic purpose should address your purpose and interest in pursuing the program
How the program fits into your overall academic and/or professional goals, focusing in particular on the connection between the program and your academic and/or professional experience.
Some applicants use their statements as an opportunity to amplify information contained on the application or academic transcripts. The statement provides an excellent forum for explaining any weaknesses that may appear on the transcript or to highlight any strengths that may not be evident elsewhere.
If your intentions include graduate school preparation, please indicate the graduate program(s) to which you intend to apply, cite the specific courses you plan to take, and discuss how that course plan will prepare you for admission to the program(s).
Business Edge incorporates project-based study, career-oriented workshops, and guest lectures. Working in teams, students develop a final project on a real-world company.
Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to analyze and interpret financial statements, understand the fundamentals of finance, develop innovative promotional strategies, and learn how to apply the core concepts of management and organizational theory in the workplace.
Students will receive an official Columbia University Statement of Attendance and will be better prepared to pursue an entrepreneurial path or an MBA.

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Personal Statement
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Personal Statement
Every person who seeks to become a leader in whichever field they are in needs to understand that a leader is made up of a mesh of different skills. A person could be a great orator but fail to be a leader because they do not understand the aspect of planning. A leader needs to inspire and motivate those who look up to them. People need to feed off the energy and words of their leader. A leader will not have followers if they cannot inspire those around them. It is also the work of a leader to ensure that organizational goals or objectives are achieved. It takes a leader to get the best out of a team, and my goal in life is to be a person who conjures the best out of people.
However, this will not happen in a day or a night. I need training and skills to help elevate my skill level. I consider myself a leader in the making, and while I may not currently exhibit some of the qualities of a leader, I believe with time these will become evident especially after I have completed the Business Edge program. I understand that the Business Edge program includes elements like project-based studies, career-oriented workshops, and guest lectures. Additionally, while undertaking the program, students will be expected to work in teams which will also help develop the quality of being a team player. Upon ...
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