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Research: Classes are too Large at the University of South Florida

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Purpose of Report
The purpose of this persuasive report, is to convey that class sizes are too large. Our group believes there are three solutions to solving class sizes being too large. These solutions include, decrease enrollment (decreases population), hire more professors (increase in more sections/labs), and finally the adding of more online or hybrid like courses that could be administered in the surrounding USF institutes. These solutions in part should illuminate to the audience the clear issue of high enrollment.
Through our research my group has concluded that class sizes are too large at USF. This issue was then broken down and was assessed three solutions to fix the issue. Our solutions were, decrease enrollment, hire more professors, and the addition of more online or hybrid esq courses. These courses could be distributed throughout all the USF institutes. These solutions overall were designed to fix the problems at hand, including lecture halls carrying up to 500 students and the lack of connection between the professor and student. Also USF has been elevated to a preeminent school, which only attracts more students to the university. With this being said, the addition of more professors as stated below will help defer this growth and keep class size levels at a fair average. In some cases, students are deterred from graduating on time, because the class he or she needs is already full with no other sections available. The addition of hybrid like courses would subsequently allow students to have more options when it comes to choosing a class, and attendance ...
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