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Analysis of Two Authors with diverse viewpoints on Gun Control

Essay Instructions:

 Analyze two sources that represent differing views on your topic; Develop a clear and compelling thesis based on thorough analysis; Draw a conclusion about the ways in which the authors use rhetorical techniques to shape understanding of the topic (and why that should matter to your readers); Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style; Cite sources correctly using appropriate citation style; Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of the essay; Be 1200-1500 words in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface); Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

An Analysis of Two Authors with diverse viewpoints on Gun Control in America.
An Analysis of Two Authors with diverse viewpoints on Gun Control in America. Introduction
Different authors perceive the issue of Guns in America from diverse perspectives. Guns are used to enhance the security of Americans as having licensed firearms would put some of the American citizens at risks such as burglary or even the risk of being killed. People use licensed guns to enhance personal safety and personal security. However, the guns have increased crime, domestic violence and mass killings across America. Guns might end up affecting innocent people caught in crossfires or even affected directly by being harmed by the guns. David S. Bernstein is one of the authors who shared his views on gun violence from the perspective of some of the survivors of gun violence such as mass killings as he also covers some of the statistics of people affected by gun violence. Hearing stories of the people who have been directly affected by gun violence and maybe survived to show the negative impacts of guns is essential as David S. Bernstein uses this approach to convince his readers on the adverse effects of gun violence. John R. Lott also shared a different perspective on guns. Lott wrote sharing his thoughts that the presence of more guns would lead to less crime across American societies. The essay contrasts and analyzes the perspectives of David S. Bernstein and John R. Lott on the issues of guns as the two authors give divergent views on the topic of firearms to their respective readers.
The Perspectives of David S. Bernstein
David S. Bernstein, the author of an article in the Atlantic, goes ahead to explain the reasons why Americans do not seem to understand gun violence. He says that this is majorly based on the fact that people do not know much about the people who have survived gun violence. The article that was published on December 14, 2017, talks about the Las Vegas massacre. This incident is referred to as the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States. About 58 people lost their lives leaving more than 500 individuals badly injured. People reacted to the news by showing love and comforting the ones who had lost their loved ones. CNN published the photos of all the 58 victims and a person from Chicago gave out 58 crosses for the fallen. Among the victims who survived was a 28-year-old woman who was shot in the head and spent more than two months in the hospital. Another man is trying to learn how to drive again after being paralyzed from the waist (Bernstein,2017). Many people sympathize with the people who have lost their lives but seem to forget about the survivors. The use of the perspectives of the survivors and gun victims is essential as it gives a firsthand account of the negative impacts and the dangers of guns across American. There has been less research promulgated on the effects of guns from heard from the victims and people who have been affected by gun violence. Bernstein used the fact that Americans lack a good understanding of the impacts of guns such as gun violence, domestic violence, and assaults as there is little information known about victims and survivors of fatal shootings.
The Perspective of John R. Lott on Guns
John R. Lott shared his thoughts that more guns would lead to less crime. He wrote his work with the aim of making his readers to understand crime and gun control policies in America. Lott added that having guns increase the sense of personal safety and security among American citizens. Lott examined and related crime to gun control policies in America as supportive basis behind his argument where he argued that more guns would lead to less crime Lot...
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