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Week Eight Discussion-Special Education: Impairment

Essay Instructions:

This order has 2 separate discussions. Please divide by the title.


Ch. 14 & 15 of Exceptional Lives discuss students with hearing loss and visual impairments.

Create a table with one column for hearing loss and the other for visual impairments. Under each heading, list three different pieces of assistive technology that would be helpful for students with those disabilities.

Provide a description of each device and why you think it would be useful.

-Discussion: Attention and Processing

Ch. 13 of Exceptional Lives discusses Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and its effect on attention difficulties and processing information.

What are some aids and services proposed to assist students with TBI?

Why do you think they would they be effective?

Support your findings with outside scholarly research and properly cite your source.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week Eight Discussion-Special Education: Impairment Name Institutional Affiliation Week Eight Discussion-Special Education: Impairment Impairment: Hearing Loss and Visual Impairments Turnbull, Weymeyer, and Turnbull (2012) define hearing loss as the severe hearing impairment that makes it impossible for the student to process audio information. Since classroom learning auditory processes, students with hearing loss can be assisted with the use of assistive learning devices (ALDs) that help them hear and process information. The national institute on deafness and other communication disorders (NIDCD) (2019) discusses some of the assistive technologies that could help learners with hearing impairment and visual impairment visual loss. Hearing loss ALDsVisual impairment ALDsTelecommunication device for the deaf (TDD). It helps people who cannot hear to communicate using texts. They can type texts on the device and communicate with the teacher or others in the classroom (Hersh & Johnson, 2015). Learners can type their answers and submit them, helping them to remain active in the classroom when they cannot hear the teacher.Screen readers: These are computer programs that convert text into speech (Turnbull, Weymeyer, & Turnbull, 2019). This is practically important for learners with visual impairment as it helps them understand the text without necessarily reading it themselves. Hearing aid. It has three parts, the mouthpiece, amplifier, and the loudspeaker. It can be fitted in the ear of the learner to help amplify the sound from the teacher (NIDCD, 2019). This could be beneficial for learners with hearing impairment as it helps them to capture what the teacher is saying. Braille: It works by lowering and raising pins to produce text characters that the person can read using the hands. This is specifically important as it helps learners understand and respond to texts.FM Systems: They are frequently used in classroom environments. The teacher wears a device with the microphone and the learner wears a receiver. Information is then transmitted to the learner and amplifies it. This device is effective as it creates an interactive environment between the teacher and the students.Computers: Computers can be used to magnify texts for students with visual impairment. The magnified texts become easy to read, helping them to understand Discussion: Attention and Processing Students with traumatic brain injuries find it difficult to ...
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