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Summary and Discussion of Crime and Justice Statistics

Essay Instructions:


For this option, you will summarize and discuss recent (within the past 5 years) research findings relating to crime and justice found on Statistics Canada’s website:

The research study that you select for your project must include the following:

• A results table (or tables)

• A description of how the data was collected

Format of Option 1 Paper – this paper must be organized into the following sections:

1. Cover page – You may use any standard format for the cover page, but be sure to include all of the following information, namely: a title, your name, the course name and number, the date of submission, the instructor’s name, and a word count. This cover page does not need to follow APA guidelines.

2. Introduction (1 paragraph) - identify your topic, and describe how you will proceed in writing your paper by introducing the reader to the structure and content of the rest of the paper.

3. Summary of Research Findings (2 pages):

a) Present the results table that you will be summarizing and discussing in your paper. Check APA guidelines for how to present a table in your paper.

b) Describe, as much as possible in your own words, the findings and conclusions of the report. Be sure to mention the findings that you think were particularly noteworthy.

c) Describe the method used to collect the data for this research. Whenever possible look up the surveys used in this research and describe the sampling techniques, participants, and questions asked that provided the information for the findings you have summarized in part (a).

4. Discussion (2- 2 ½ pages):

a) Discuss how the findings and conclusions of this study relate to relevant material found in the course and textbook. In this section, you will need to include in-text citations to the textbook when using ideas from that source, as well as in-text citations to the research report when referring to findings from the report. You must follow APA guidelines for all in-text citations.

b) You should also discuss the limitations of the data collection method used in this research. What impact might this have on the conclusions that can be drawn from this research?

c) You should end off with a brief paragraph that summarizes the project and presents any final comments you may have.

5. List of References: you must follow APA (American Psychological Association) style guidelines; include the research report and the textbook in this list.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Summary and Discussion of Crime and Justice Statistics Student’s Name Institution’s Affiliation’s Introduction The paper selects the research study of Mary Allen on the Police-reported crime statistics in Canada, 2017. Mary indicates that the Canadian police have recorded the crime rates since 1962 through the annual Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Survey. Besides, the UCR collects additional data through the General Social Survey (GSS) which makes their report after every five years (Allen, 2018). The victimization process is also used to collect the information from the people directly because they report personal experiences. Mary indicates that the utilization of these complementary sources is essential while collecting the police reported crimes in Canada because they are authentic sources. According to the study of Mary, the police-reported crime statistics are based on the issues reported to the police and the influenced by large scale criminal events, social drive or the modifications in the legislation. The year 2017 had few significant events that provided the context to the national statistics. In the year 2017, there was a mass shooting that took place at the Islamic Center in Quebec. The incidence has six homicides which increased the murder rate in the province of Quebec. Moreover, in 2017, there was an increase in the incidence of assaults and sexual harassment as was report in the media hence accountability was essential. The data was collected and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The data was presented in graphs through the Canada Crime Severity Index and this was the main source of measurement of crime. After the measurement, the paper according to Mary analyzed the factors that contributed to crime. The finally performed an analysis on the factors that contributed to crime. Summary of the findings The findings are reported according to the table below Table 2aPolice-reported Crime Severity Indexes, by province and territory, 2017  Table 2aPolice-reported Crime Severity Indexes, by province and territory, 2017Table summaryThis table displays the results of Police-reported Crime Severity Indexes. The information is grouped by Province and territory (appearing as row headers), Total Crime Severity Index, Violent Crime Severity Index and Non-violent Crime Severity Index, calculated using index, percent change 2016 to 2017 and percent change 2007 to 2017 units of measure (appearing as column headers). Province and territory Total Crime Severity Index Violent Crime Severity Index Non-violent Crime Severity Index index percent change 2016 to 2017 percent change 2007 to 2017 index percent change 2016 to 2017 index percent change 2016 to 2017 Newfoundland and Labrador 63.0 -9 -16 69.9 -5 60.4 -11 Prince Edward Island 44.9 -7 -30 38.9 7 47.0 -11 Nova Scotia 65.9 6 -28 78.2 11 61.3 4 New Brunswick 69.0 11 -2 69.6 5 68.7 14 Quebec 57.1 2 -33 71.8 7 51.7 0sNote: value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded Ontario 55.4 5 -26 68.7 7 50.5 4 Manitoba 118.1 3 -22 159.8 5 102.9 2 Saskatchewan 140.5 -6 -15 141.2 -5 139.9 -6 Alberta 110.1 5 -4 96.3 5 114.8 5 British Columbia 88.9 -5 -33 75.5 0sNote: value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded 93.6 -7 Yukon 189.3 1 2 261.6 9 162.8 -4 Northwest Territories 303.8 2 -10 361.6 7 282.3 0sNote: value rounded to 0 (zero) where there is a meaningful distinction between true zero and the value that was rounded Nunavut 297.6 1 -6 472.3 10 234.1 -4 Canada 72.9 2 -24 80.3 5 70.0 0 The research was conducted to cover different types of crime in Canada. According to the report given by Mary, between 2016 and 2017, the crime had increased in nine out of the 13 Canada provinces. The report per province was done in a given order from the highest to the lowest in terms of increase. The province that leads was New Brunswick which had 11% increases with the two years. Nova Scotia had an...
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