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Peer Review Worksheet

Essay Instructions:

  HLT-317v Peer Review Worksheet

Part of your responsibility as a student in this course is to provide quality feedback to your peers that will help them to improve their writing skills. This worksheet will assist you in providing that feedback. Copy and paste the completed review into your reply to the post containing the assigned draft. Do not post your review as an attachment.

Name of the Draft’s Author: Lisa Buce

Name of the Peer Reviewer:

Summary: After reading through the draft one time, write a summary (3–5 sentences) of the paper in the box below.


Buce’s paper explained the methods of doing literature review and statistical analyses. She also enumerated different ethical dilemmas on doing biomedical research that involve active participation of human subjects. The author reiterated the importance of approval from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before administering any drug in line to what had happened with the study on mentally retarded children infected with hepatitis and the case of Ellen Roche. Finally, the author suggested to conduct social researches instead which are relevant and much safer for every human.








Literature Review Draft

After a second, closer reading of the draft, evaluate the essay using the Literature Review DraftDetermine the level of achievement appropriate for each assignment criteria. (Level of achievement ranges from Unsatisfactory to Excellent and are found at the top of the rubric. Assignment criteria are found in the left column of the rubric.)

Introduction of the Topic

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence do you have for this score?

The author clearly indicated the purpose of the paper on the last sentence of the first paragraph. Moreover, she defined literature review and oriented the readers with regards to the ethics on doing research.

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Literature Review in Research

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score?

It is good that the author defined literature reviews on the first paragraph. Nevertheless, the writer may add more scholarly articles with regards to the effectiveness of gammaglobulins on retarded children infected with hepatitis and with the case of Ellen Roche. In this way, the writer can view different accounts and perspectives with regards to ethical dilemma encountered on these two researches.

Ethical Considerations for Data Collection

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score?

It is good that the author mentioned how the study participants on hepatitis research (1963-1966) were selected and treated then-- with no regards to ethical principles, as the children had no proper consents and were forcefully infected in the early part of this research.

Meanwhile, while there were already ethical authorities in 2001, the case of Ellen Roche, as written by the author proved that there are still inadequacies on ethical regulations and implementations.

Explanation of What the Data Reveals in Terms of Statistical Analysis

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score?

It is good that the author defined statistical analysis and described the specific steps to be done to conduct it. However, I was wondering if there are any related statistical data

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on studies of hepatitis children and the case of Ellen Roche. If there are found data, it can help in presenting strong arguments on this paper.

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Specific Study

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score?

The author presented the outcomes on the study of hepatitis children and the case of Ellen Roche and how ethical concerns affected these researches. It is notable that the author emphasized the importance of informed consent and following of instructions in these two studies.

Summary of the Conclusions from Literature Review.

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score?

I liked that the author emphasized the importance of monitoring ethical standards in clinical studies as part of the conclusion. Nonetheless, the author may also include a summary and other relevant data in writing a stronger conclusion.

Thesis Development and Purpose

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score

I liked that the author explicitly stated the purpose of the paper. Nevertheless, the thesis sentence could be organized in such a way that it would focus on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the study in hepatitis children and in the case of Ellen Roche. It would then be followed by relevant literature reviews, ethical data and statistical analysis data that could support the paper.

Argument Logic and Construction

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score

The author wrote a convincing argument with regards to the importance of ethical

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standards in clinical studies as seen in the study of hepatitis children and the case of Ellen Roche. It is also good that the author suggested conduction of social research that could be more applicable and safer to a larger population.

On the other hand, the paper could present stronger arguments if the author can insert other scholarly articles and statistical data relevant to the two studies. Furthermore, a brief explanation of literature review and statistical analysis could already sufficed the readers.

Mechanics of Writing

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score

It is good that the author wrote in a standard, written academic English with correct spellings. Nevertheless, the writer may convey the message with much clarity with separation of complex sentences into two or more statements and with the use of proper punctuations such as comma and semicolons.

Paper Format

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score

It is good that the paper was left justified with distinct ideas on each paragraph. However, the paper should be double-spaced and paragraphs should be indented. Specified font style and font size should be followed as well.

Research Citations

What level of achievement did the author score for this criterion?


What evidence from the paper do you have for this score

It is good that in-text citations were properly observed. On the other hand, bibliographic entries should only write the surname and initial letter of the first name of authors. Moreover, journal entries should also include the volume, issue number and pages if applicable.

Three positive things about this paper are:

Evaluation of the two studies in terms of ethical considerations

© 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.


Clearly stated thesis statement

Good introduction about ethical dilemmas in biomedical research

Three things that could be improved are:

Addition of relevant scholarly articles and statistical analysis data to support the argument.

Construction of paper. The paragraphs about definitions of literature reviews and statistical analyses could be shortened.

Paper format

Essay Sample Content Preview:
  Peer Review Worksheet A literature review consists of surveys books, scholarly articles, and any other sources relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, and by doing this, delivers a descriptive summary, and critical assessment of these works in relation to the research problem being investigated. A literature review is an important discussion and summary of statistical literature that is of general and specialized relevance to the specific area and topic of the research problem in statistics (Rouse, 2014). We will evaluate the explanations for literature review, discuss ethical data collection, reveal statistical analysis data, evaluate the effectiveness of our study hepatitis in retarded children and the controversial death of Ellen Roche.

There have been many reactions to scandals placed in the public with a lack of dispute over the ethics of biomedical research until the 1960s. Scandals emerged worldwide and were opened to the public including credit for the need for standards and guidelines in the ethics of clinical research. Much necessity increases for ethics in clinical research and has raised apprehensions related to controversial issues in the processing of the formal mechanism known as the International Review Board (IRB). IRB holds various perspectives on special topics with or without consensus (Kim, 2012).

When utilizing humans for research there creates a need to take into account the ethical dimensions of the reasons for holding an experiment and the appropriate procedural steps to guarantee that the results reveal respectable science. Protecting human participants in research is the top priority and given excessive attention to the ethical conduct of research because the precise risks and benefits of research are unclear.

Statistical analysis is defined as the science of collecting, exploring, and presenting large amounts of data to discover core patterns and trends. We can see the field of statistics in our lives in so many ways. Researchers keep children healthy by means of statistics to analyze data from the production of viral vaccines, which safeguards consistency and safety. Manufacturers use statistics to intertwine quality into gorgeous fabrics to bring a boost to the airline industry. Starting with the tube of toothpaste in the bathroom to the planes flying overhead, there are hundreds of products and processes used every day that are enriched through the use of statistics.

Statistical analysis is viewed in five steps, as follows: Describe the nature of the data to be analyzed, explore the relation of the data to the underlying population, create a model to recapitulate understanding of how the data relates to the core population, prove (or disprove) the validity of the model, have predictive analytics to route scenarios to help guide impending actions. Statistical analysis goal is to identify trends. These trends can include modeling, forecasting and simulating business processes for improved strategic and tactical planning. This method called econometrics applies statistics to economics to forecast future trends. Traditional analysis of variance and linear regression to exact methods and statistical visualization techniques, statistical programming is necessary for creating data-based decisions in all areas of life. The statistical quality improvement provides an approach utilizing a mathematical method to provide quality and increase safety in all areas of creation physiognomies.

Through the decision-making process, we first identify the problem, meaning the existence of a discrepancy between existing and state of affairs that is desired (Kim, 2012). Then the following steps follow; an identification of decision criteria, allocation of weights to criteria, development of alternatives, analysis of alternatives, selection of an alternative, implantation of the alternatives and evaluation of decision effectiveness.

Research experiments were intended to follow the progress of the viral infection of hepatitis and consequently test the effects of gamma globulin in blocking or ameliorating the disease from 1963 through 1966 at the Willowbrook State School, a New York State institution for mentally retarded children (Kim, 2012). The subjects consisted of only children purposely infected with the hepatitis virus. “ Early subjects were fed extracts from the stool of infected individuals and later subjects received injections of more purified virus preparations. The test Hospital did not admit new patients after 1964, unless their parents consented to the experiment. This case drew public condemnation because of the perception that parents and their children were given little choice about whether or not to participate in research and for performing an experiment on either a normal or a mentally retarded child when no benefit can result for the children “ (Kim, 2012). This case is an excellent example of why there are laws, regulations, and both the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the IRB to approve a study. Medications must be run through an approval process by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Ellen Roche was a healthy 24-year-old participant in an asthma study, died in 2001 as a result of inhaled hexamethonium, a medication used for treating high blood pressure in the 1950s and 1960s (Kim, 2012). Her condition started wi...

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