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Magical Realism: Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Isabel Allende

Essay Instructions:

(1) "Two Words"

"Guest Lecture" on Magical Realism under Resources. Then answer the following questions:

What are the magical realist aspects of the story? Compare/contrast Belisa Crepusculario to another character we have read about this semester. What ideas does Allende raise in this story about women, the military and/or language? How does the use of magical realism help Allende to convey her idea(s)?

"A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" 1 unread of 1 message

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(2) "Guest Lecture" on Magical Realism under Resources. Then answer the following questions:

What are the magical realist aspects of the story? What are the magical elements in the story? What are the realist elements in the story? What ideas does Marquez raise in this story about religion and/or human nature? How does the use of magical realism help Marquez to convey his idea(s)? Does the story seem to you as a likely way that people might respond to the appearance of this old man? Based on this story, do you personally agree with Marquez's view of what people are like? Why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Magical Realism Name Institution Magical Realism The magical realist aspect of the story is depicted through the old man with enormous wings impended by his wings to get up from the mud. Here the presentation of the enormous wings if fictional since human being don’t have wings hence magical realism. The magical element are attribute to the extremes within the story such as the constant rains and the appearance of many crabs. The realization of Realist element is in situations where incorporation and detection of humanity is in any aspect of life such as the situation where Peyalo discovers the old man with enormous wings lying face down in the mud and tries to get him up to save the situation. According to Morguez, the values of religion are the center of criticism as evident...
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