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Transnational Feminism and the Activist Movement

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of two prompts below:
1. Research feminist activism in a particular country outside the United States, focusing on three general topic areas that we have covered in the course, or
2. Research a particular women’s issue and comparatively discuss how it has been legislated or otherwise dealt with in three different countries outside of the United States.
Step 3: Write a formal research paper according to the prompt you selected above, using the frame of transnational feminisms, in 800+ words. Include all the following required components in your essay:

Definition of transnational feminism
Explanations of how laws and governmental policies maintain social inequality
Correlations among the course materials discussed in Module 2 through Module 11 with the work of transnational feminists
Step 4: Upload your essay and submit.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender Equality
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Gender equality is one of the women issues that have been put into consideration in most parts of the world. Activists advocate for the equal allocation of resources among people regardless of their gender. This includes job opportunities and political positions. Over the years, some countries across the world have been making men a priority in holding senior positions in the political world. However, through the campaigns for gender equality, this has greatly changed to ensure that all genders have equal opportunities.
In Kenya, activists have been advocating for gender equality to ensure that women participate in matters of society as the men do. USAID is an organization that was formed to promote gender equality as well as empowering women to participate in the development of the country. Over the past few years, the constitution was amended to accommodate a women representative’s position whereby women would be elected to represent their counties in office. The main role of the women representatives is to ensure that they promote all the interest of the women in their counties through the support of the government policies that offer women. The creation of the post is an indication that the country saw the need to have more women in the political platform since most of the positions were occupied by men. This has been reflected in the workplace whereby companies provide equal job opportunities for members of the different genders.
In addition, Canada has been advocating for gender equality through the...
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